Chapter six - Misty

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Chapter VI

Misty D'Entremont

I watched as he skated towards the rink, and I followed after him, I wasn't the best on wheels, but I was going to do my best to not seem like a total amateur, 'cause I wasn't really, I just tripped a little here and there. The song that came on had a super catchy beat and I shuffled around a little and attempted a small circle off in the corner where there wasn't much of a crowd. I then looked over at Logan, and smiled skating over to him and stopping at his side. "Sooooo..." I trailed off smiling again, I felt my toes wiggling to the beat of the song, and I swayed a little bit, this should be fun to skate to!

Logan whirled out back into the current of people, going slowly so that I could catch up I assumed. He kicked with his right leg, and then stood straight. Then lifted up his left heel so that only the first two wheels were on the floor and went like that for a little while.

I took a deep breath and skated after him. I wasn't planning on doing anything fancy, just skating around the rink, nice and calmly. That wasn't too hard was it? I could do this. I carefully pushed myself forward, then pushed forward again, my ankle wobbled a little bit and a I drew in a shaky breath, but then set my eyes on the ground and glided forward with ease. Just because I was doing good now didn't mean I wasn't going to fall sooner or later.

Logan was watching my feet as I did so and smiled, "You're doing good," He encouraged and looked up at me. I laughed lightly.

"Don't jinx it!" I joked and continued to skate.

A few teenagers skated past us doing some fancy skating and I watched stupidly as they glided by, in sync with the music. Moving to the beat of the music, then lifted up their left leg, put their hands below the leg and clapped, then put their legs down and did the same with their right. They got real close to the ground on the turn, then once they had a stretch of straight floor ahead of them, they would stand up straight and criss-cross their legs twice. Then repeat.

It was really confusing to describe, and almost even harder to watch. They went so fast that they would circle us three times before we could make it around even once. Then when I looked to the center of the rink. There were a couple teenagers jam skating on one side of it, but the other was pretty much empty. Just then Logan interrupted my thoughts and I looked up at him with a blank expression. "Huh?"

"Wanna see something cool?" He repeated with a laugh and grinned at me like a little boy on Christmas.

I smiled and nodded, "Sure!". Then I watched as he skated over to the empty area of the rink, a few teenagers were headed straight for me, and weren't exactly paying attention, I had to step out of there way, awkwardly trying to balance myself on my skates with both my arms spread out to hold myself steady. "Whew.." I sighed then looked up to watch Logan.

He sped up a bit and passed me weaving between a few unstable teens, hen dodged as one flighty wirl whizzed past him, and finally he was in the center. "This is called jam skating!" He called to me, then he looked off to the side where a real husky guy was finishing a pretty complicated looking jam skate.

His friends clapped him on the back when he finished and spoke their congrats to him, then all of them turned and looked at Logan with expressions that I couldn't really decipher. Somewhere between disapproval and amusement. I rolled my eyes and looked at Logan expectantly.

He then spun around the other way and pretended he hadn't noticed they were watching. He waited a few seconds until the song sped up pace. Then started his jam skate. Impressive! I smiled as I watched his skates move around. I could probably NEVER do that, it looked complicated. I clapped when he finished and smiled, flashing a small glance towards the boys that were watching, as if to say, 'Haha, beat that'. "Whoa that was impressive Logan!!" I exclaimed.

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