Chapter one - Logan

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Chapter I

Mallory H.

Logan Costello

My week was going pretty terrible.

To start it off, I was kidnapped off the streets by a stranger, whacked over the head and knocked out cold, and then brought to some school out in the middle of nowhere.

It sounds pretty strange, right? It gets stranger.

I kid you not, these people claimed to have superpowers.

Well... My story starts here.

Three days had passed since I was brought to the place, and every passing day was worse than the last. I was worried sick for my family back home. My Mom, my Pop, and my little Brother. I just knew that they were going crazy worrying about me back home. I got sick to my stomach every time I thought about it.

Not that this place was exactly hell either, though. To start it off, the place was so big that it made the Capitol Building look like a Barbie Dream House. And my dorm wasn't just a generic old dorm room —it was my real bedroom! I couldn't figure out how they did it. But it was my own bedroom, exactly how it was before I left home. The only difference was the view out my window. Instead of seeing a friend suburb with kids running up and down the streets; I saw a field. And not too far off, the edge of the woods. Not just any normal woods, though... These were darker. Tall pines marked a perfect line around the school, as if someone planted them like that. Or something was stopping them from growing any farther.

The shadows seems to cling to the woods, never getting any lighter even in broad daylight. I got an eerie feeling just looking at them, so I never stared for long.

Anyways, my bedroom was cleaned by invisible servants every morning and night. And I could have whatever I wanted brought to my room. Computers, video games, food, drinks, snacks — you name it, they had it. It didn't make my little rebellion much more enjoyable, though. After I came to, they described to me all this crazy stuff about powers, and some guy named J.J Darling, I was pretty furious. And you can't blame me. I was taken away from everyone and everything I loved just to be told a bunch of bologna!

In the haste of my anger, I told them I wouldn't come out of my room until they told me what was really going on and brought me home. And that I'd never believe all the tales they told me about powers. They accepted it kindly enough, telling me I could do whatever I wish. That made it a little less dramatic, but I went through with it for three days anyways.

But my curiosity was starting to eat away at me. I wanted to see how these goons worked, what made them think they actually had any power more than human within them. I spent most of my time in my solitude thinking about how any of this was logically possible. My room being here and not back home in Maine? Not normal. The invisible servants? Well, I'd initially thought they tied puppet strings to my dirty laundry and garbage or something. But when I swung my hand at the empty air where hands should have been holding my dirty laundry, there was a startled yelp, and my laundry dropped on the floor. That just wasn't natural.

Looking out the window, I started to notice that there was some kind of force field around the school. What made me think that was there would be groups of kids that would come by from time to time, and they would stand near the edge of the woods and throw stuff in, and then run away as if it was going to reach out and grab them. Once, a kid even stuck his arm into it. But he looked scared as heck. Yet, I'd seen Moose and Deer come up to the force field on the other side, and they ran into it as if there was a brick wall there. They'd bonk their heads, stare at the empty space in front of them with a dumbfounded expression, and then wander off in another direction. I hadn't ever seen anything but normal woodland creatures on the other side, which made me wonder what was on the other side. Zombie Bunnies? Mutated Deer? Not likely. Most of all, though, I wondered what happened when a kid wandered a little too far...

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