Chapter seven - Logan

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Chapter VII

Logan Costello

Couple skating had never been better for me.  I knew that no matter who else I ever skated with, none would ever be as memorable and great as this one. I’d skated with a lot of girls before, and never once did any of them feel this right. I felt like Misty and I were two puzzle pieces, fitting perfectly together.

I stared down at my feet as we started to go around the bend, fixing my feet to move in a smooth rhythm along with the music. Once we made it around the turn, I quickly looked back over my shoulder to make sure I had a clear path, then looked at Misty. A whole bunch of really stupid things to say passed through my mind, I tried to find something to say that wouldn’t come out totally dumb or wrong.

“So,” I said with a nervous smile, trying to make myself look calmer than I felt. Just when I started to ease up a bit, I stared back down at our hands and my thoughts clogged up again. I don’t remember what I had planned on saying before, but whatever it was wound up coming out like ‘Uhhh-Umm’.

If brains could sigh with relief, I swear mine did when I heard Misty’s voice. “I’m glad we came to the skating rink… This is really fun.” I looked up at her and saw her smiling that perfect and adorable smile at me. Her cheeks looked a little flushed, unless that was just the colored lights glinting off her face. “So, what got you into skating?” She asked with curiosity before I could even think of answering what she’d said before. I let out an inaudible sigh and smiled back at her.

“Back h-…” I stopped myself. No, I told myself. Not home. This is home now. “Er, at my old house,” I continued, “our skating rink was just down the block. So by the time I was six years old I could walk there on my own and started going every other day… And I guess I kind of just got hooked. I haven’t stopped since.” I shrugged a bit. I looked over my shoulder again as I maneuvered the second bend, then looked at her again. She smiled wider.

“That’s pretty cool!” She said and looked past my shoulder at some passer-bys. After that, she got that look on her face like she does when she’s thinking of something. Like she’s trying to build a tower of thoughts in her head or something. I couldn’t help but grow curious as to what might be going through her head, but on second thought, maybe  I didn’t want to know. At last, she said “The first time I skated was two years ago… and I haven’t gotten much practice in.” She said with a light laugh.

“Ah, well, it’s never too late.” I grinned. The first song started to come to an end, so I started slowing down and glanced around, but didn’t stop completely. I looked at Misty as I waited for the DJ to announce what was next, and she was looking away from me. Her expression looked almost wistful, like she really didn’t want to slow down or stop. 

“Okay guys, great job.” Emma the DJ said, “We’re going to have one more song for the couple skate. Grab a partner. Once again, this next song is going to be for couple skating only.”

My muscles eased up with relief. I was glad for another song, the first one went by way too fast. Misty looked relieved, too.

A new song started, and I began picking up the pace again. The trios of teenagers who’d been awkwardly fumbling around made their way off the floor. One or two of the duos came off the floor, too, and headed straight for the concessions. That left about three couples still skating like Misty and I, (one person forward and one backwards), one couple was doing the both-backwards position, and the last one was skating around just like they were dancing at a ball, but with skates on. I had to catch my breath as they whirled gracefully around in circles, holding each other close. 

Suddenly, I was snapped back to where I was, with Misty. I realized that I’d started skating again without even asking her. “Oh, are you good for another song?” I asked. 

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