Chapter 4

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Hsin Yi has started training the Hwarangs after the festival, wanting them to improve their skills in not just dancing music. It has been almost a week of her training when she was informed of Princess Sookmyung's arrival and finding the perfect opportunity of dining with the Queen and the Princess, to try and find out some information about Jinheung.

Hsin Yi woke up from her sleep earlier than she had anticipated, looking at the sky from her window she sighed and got up. Walking out of her room, she made sure to put on her mask. She started thinking to herself.
'I have been too busy teaching the Hwarangs, that I haven't had any time searching information about Sam Maek-jong... another problem is the Queen, she has refused to let anything regarding Sam Maek-Jong slip from her mouth' she sighs.

Whilst walking, she unconsciously touched the scar on her cheek.


Seeing as it was already close to the time the Hwarangs would be waking up, Hsin Yi decided to go back to her room to wear her hunting outfit to allow her more movement for the next lesson she would be teaching the men. She had already instructed Minshi, her personal maid, to get her horse and things ready for her arrival.

Hsin Yi walked pass different students who greeted her.
"Good Morning as well"
She replies giving them a smile back although they couldn't see.

As she walked the front of the house, she saw her students waiting, already wearing their hunting outfit. She greeted them first before instructing them to follow her to the stables.

"Today I will be testing your agility and strength as well as your teamwork with each other," she started, her two maids pulling out a beautiful raven black mare. "I will have you hunt an animal from the woods, and whoever is able to bring me back a deer will be excused from the training tomorrow. You will work in groups as I have hinted. However I will be choosing the members"
Hsin Yi smiles sweetly before she mounts her horse.

The Hwarangs wanted to protest but kept their mouth shut. Seeing as Hsin Yi was there only to train them, they didn't want to seem ungrateful for her help.

Before they could mount their horses however, Princess Sookmyung appears and stands beside Hsin Yi who got off her horse to greet the other royal.

"Princess Sookmyung" Hsin Yi bows her head as a sign of respect, Sookmyung ignores her and instead sets her gaze on the fidgeting warriors. The announcer who came with her, started talking.

"Ten days from now, you will be sparring with each other. The Princess will supervise this herself. So, only the Hwarang who wins will pass" Hsin Hi furrows her eyebrows and sends the man a look of confusion.

"Sparring?" Suho mumbles, "The Princess is doing what?" Banryu mutters back.
Jidwi gives a snort of disbelief, "She hasn't changed"

The announcer starts to speak again,
"This is different from any other assignments. You may lose your life, while sparring"

The Hwarangs looked at each other while Hsin Yi stares at the other Princess, wanting to know the reason behind the sudden competition.

"Fight with your life. A commander who fears death cannot protect his men. Keep that in mind."

Sookmyung turns to Hsin Yi,
"I expect that you will get them ready by then, seeing as you have already started training them  I will come during your hunt." Sookmyung says before going inside the stables and finding her horse.

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