The First Promise

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Nine months later

Sara and Ben were able to keep their relationship under wraps; no one around them could say they were anything but close friends, not even Luke suspected anything.


But the end of that year of studies at the Temple was approaching, which meant Ben would be going home for two months – and that made Sara really stop and think of who he was outside of the Temple, for in there he was her classmate, her boyfriend, a powerful Jedi-in-training, but out there he was the heir of the Alderaanian throne and the grandson of Darth Vader (as bad as that sounded, and as little influence as it had on him, it was still part of his family history).

Sara never thought much about it, Ben was very casual about his responsibilities ("I've been raised knowing about them, and watching my mother rule, so I'm used to them." he said). And Sara had gotten used to hearing him speaking like that about them too, but that day all her nervousness caught up to her and it was disastrous: she lost her temper with the younger padawans, hit a classmate with a rock she was supposed to just levitate, even argued with Ben about something silly. So, after lunch, Master Luke asked her to stay away from the duels for the rest of the day, before she seriously hurt anyone. She complied quietly, understanding he was doing the best for her and for the safety of the other students.

She sat down on a rock and watched as her classmates trained and she didn't. But the worst of it was to watch Ben having to train with another padawan, a teenager named Rynn, from Gatalenta, the daughter of the planet's current Senator (something she made sure everyone knew about her). Rynn also made it clear she had already met Ben outside of the Temple for her aunt was a friend of the Organa-Solos. It didn't need saying that Sara hated the girl's guts.

Sara watched Rynn duelling against Ben and her blood boiled. Rynn made sure to rub herself against him at every opportunity; and to make matters worse: Ben was having too much fun over Sara's jealousy.

"I can sense your anger, Sara." Said Luke, taking her by surprise, sitting beside her on the rock.

"I just..." she tried to think of something quick before Luke sensed too much. "I hate that I can't train... but I've been feeling so unbalanced this past couple of days that you were right in keeping me away from today's duels. My mind is full of worries and doubts. And fear of what's to come." There, she hadn't lied.

"Is it because next year will be your last here?"

"Yes. But that's not all." she sighed. "I wish could put my feelings to words better, Master."

"You can stay here after next year, you know, I will never send you away without a place to go."

"Thanks, Master. But lack of place to go isn't what's worrying me, I'm thinking of reopening the farm my parents had in Takodana. The land is still mine and I really liked working with animals and tending crops as I was growing up. I can see myself doing that again."

"That's a great plan, my dear." he sounded impressed.

They saw Rynn fall again, on top of Ben this time; he looked at Sara and shrugged – as if it wasn't his fault, and Sara shook her head in disapproval and annoyance.

"Can I be dismissed, Master?" she asked.

"Sure, dear. Go rest and try to meditate for the rest of the day."

"Thank you, Master." she bowed respectfully at him and walked away, without giving another look in Ben's direction.


Promise (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now