The Most Important Promise

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Three weeks later

Luke was a happy Master, having only his two best padawans at the Temple gave him lots of opportunities to put the two of them under a more intense training schedule that helped them improve their abilities and even gain new ones.

One day, aiming to further teach Ben and Sara about introspection, Luke decided to send them on a silence journey; he assigned them to spend the day alone, away from everyone, everything and each other. They had to go to opposite sides of the Temple and meditate, get in touch with the Force in their own way. So, after breakfast, each padawan grabbed a bag with fruits and water and walked away from each other.


After three hours of walking, Sara found the bigger waterfall that fed the smaller one she and Ben liked to duel by its pool; she sat by its shore and put her feet into the water enjoying the cold on her skin for a while as she watched the fish swim by. But soon the sun became too hot, so she walked to a shadow and sat on the grass, quickly entering a meditative state, feeling her legs and butt leave the grass, and she was floating above the ground about five inches. She could hear the birds, feel the wind caressing the trees' leaves, and even sense the clouds – her whole body getting goosebumps as if the clouds brushed her skin as they danced in the sky. The sun shone bright, feeding the many plants and also mercilessly drying up those who were too weak or unable to develop roots strong and deep enough to reach the necessary water supply. As Sara pondered about the role the sun had in each species' lives – how he was the main source of energy for some, but the death of others – slowly she started to see something: a woman walking around a garden, the roundness of her belly indicating an advanced pregnancy. She recognized the house the woman stood nearby: it was her family's farm in Takodana; and soon she recognized that woman: she was Sara herself! She was having a vision of her future! She calmed down her excitement and focused on what she could see: she was pregnant and walking alone near her family home; somehow she knew Ben wasn't there, which made her wonder: Why would I be pregnant and alone in Takodana? We're moving to Tandankin. But the vision didn't give her anymore details. Next she saw another scene: she was holding her baby in her arms, and this time Ben was beside her, smiling at her as she fed their baby from her breast. She enjoyed that vision for a long time, only opening her eyes when it fully stopped. She blinked to get used to the light of the sun again and smiled, feeling sure that, no matter the path, they'd have each other and a beautiful baby. The day was getting to an end, and she felt tired, so after eating some fruits and sipping her water, Sara walked back to the Temple.


The day on the other side of the Temple

Ben sat on the grass at the top of a tall mountain and closed his eyes, enjoying the silence and the strong Force presence there. His mind was clear, not a worry or a thought. Nothing. Just peace. He could feel the water that ran beneath the ground; the sound of the leaves dancing in the wind, even the birds flapping their wings, and all was beautifully balanced. There was darkness too, always a constant in his mind, keeping him aware of his choices and the use he made of his Force-connection. And he could feel the darkness's presence on the planet as well, in the decaying of all organic beings and materials, in the violence of the waterfall, in the storm that brewed in the distance. But there was balance, and the beauty of that balance was something he could enjoy; his inner Forces were in harmony, and his exterior matched that harmony – something he deeply appreciated.

But as Ben focused on deepening his meditative state, he felt a sudden shift in the wind and the planet fell eerily silent; he frowned, sensing it was not a natural occurrence, and then an image started to take form behind his closed eyelids, and voices could be heard. He focused on understanding what he was hearing and seeing more clearly what was in front of his eyes. "After she gives birth, bring the newborn to me." He heard a man's voice – filled with evil intentions. That had to be a dark-sider he was hearing. "I'll kill her." And the image of a woman lying on the dark floor of a red room became clearer. The dark-sider turned her towards Ben and he could see her face: it was Sara, and she was pregnant – very much pregnant. "Yes, Supreme Leader." Ben heard himself say. And, again, the other man: "The First Order will be invincible, once I have you and that little boy by my side. He's not even born and the Force is strong with him. Then the scene changed and Sara was convulsing and screaming on the floor, blood pooling around her. Ben launched himself forward and fell onto the ground on his hands and knees, his heart beating fast and a bitter taste in his mouth. He was certain he had seen a glimpse of the future. A grim glimpse. He took a deep breath trying to remember every detail possible: he had called the man 'Supreme Leader', and the man had mentioned the First Oder, so that had to be the First Order dark-sider his mother always talked about: Snoke. And the monster wanted to kill Sara to keep her baby – Ben's son!

Promise (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now