The Accomplice

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A month later

That had everything to be the loneliest vacation Sara had ever spent at the Temple; she had gotten used to always having Ben around to train, talk, make love, but now he wasn't there and her days seemed long and strange; however, after the first week, she started to see a positive side of all that silence: she meditated more, thought about her future, and found herself more centered and focused by the end of week two.

Almost every night, she watched the news and listened to the stories of the most desired bachelor in the galaxy: her boyfriend.

One night, three weeks after the beginning of vacation, Sara sat on her bed with her small hologram projector and a cup of tea and turned the HoloNews on. And she was lucky: Ben was being interviewed! She looked at his face, missing him even more.

"How close are the Alderaanians to finding a new planet?" the female reporter asked.

"Oh, very close." Ben answered with a beautiful smile, his pristine clothes and the Alderaan symbol pinned on his chest gave him an air of respectability and power that had Sara sighing like a lovesick fool. "Mother and I have been working on securing a planet and we're already on the final stages of negotiation."

"Will we be having a party once the Alderaanians move to their new planet? A wedding party, perhaps?" she smiled.

"Not so soon. But who knows?" he winked at the camera.

Sara's heart nearly stopped. He can't be thinking of marriage already.

"So you do have a girlfriend!" exclaimed the reporter.

"I didn't say that." He denied with a smile.

The reporter looked like she was having the time of her life, "So mysterious! Is this because of your current training as a Jedi? Speaking of that, this is you last year, isn't it?"

"Yes. And I'm planning on returning sooner this year."

"What?" Sara whispered, holding her cup of tea a little tighter in anticipation.

"I'll probably be leaving for Yavin in the next couple of days." Ben added.

"Well, I wish you a great year, Mr. Solo. And I know I speak for all members of the press when I say we'll all miss you out here." said the reporter, ending the interview.

Sara turned off the hologram and laughed alone in her cabin.


Next morning, when Sara sat down beside Luke to have breakfast, he confirmed what she had seen Ben saying the previous night: "I have some news that will bright you up, my dear: Ben will be coming back tomorrow. He'll arrive in the evening." He said.

"Good. I'll have someone else to practice swordfight with. With all due respect, Master, but you're not a challenge."

He smiled, "I've fulfilled my objective Sara: as your Master I am what you'll grow beyond. And you already have surpassed me. So has Ben. I'm very proud of you two."

"Thank you, Master."

"You've been meditating daily?"

"Yes. I feel like myself again."

"Know this, dear: it's absolutely normal to have such doubts about your life and abilities once in a while. It's part of our evolution as people and as Jedi."

"Ben never seems to have them." she said.

"Oh, but he does. Only he's more private about it and has a strange ability that I certainly envy, I call it: emotional rationalization."

Promise (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now