Real: Thanksgiving

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A/N: So this is my first section of fanfic, which is just me wanting them to have a happy ending. So I did some writing for different events/prompts and yeah. So this one is Thanksgiving at Chloe's house. Enjoy!

"So you humans have a holiday where you eat dinner to say thanks to each other?" asked Lucifer, clearly perplexed at this reasoning.

Chloe rolled her eyes, returning to chopping the vegetables for the dinner. "Yeah, I guess that's kind of the idea. It's really just a good time to spend time with family."

Lucifer shook his head. "Why am I surprised. You celebrate dear old Christ's birthday. Why can't you celebrate mine, instead of that old codgers'? He's not the only son of God," he huffed.

Chloe laughed, and the sound brought a content smile to his face.

"We will celebrate your birthday when it's your birthday, but I'm sorry you didn't get a holiday dedicated to you," responded Chloe, "But I imagine it's all for the best, as I have a very good idea on what festivities might take place."

This time, it was Lucifer's turn to let out an amused chuckle. He moved around the table to stand behind Chloe and snaked his arms around her waist.

"I think you might quite enjoy what I had in mind for my personal holiday, Detective," he murmured, head bent to nuzzle her neck and press kisses that sent shivers up her spine. She allowed herself a brief moment to lean into his strong, sturdy frame and be wrapped in his strong arms, capable of throwing elephants with ease that only ever caressed her with care. But the moment passed and Chloe knew she had to keep moving as guests were on their way.

"Lucifer," she said, using most of her self control to straighten up and continue prepping the vegetables.

"Mmmm?" he murmured against her skin.

"Lucifer, as much as I'd love to give in to your ideas, we have guests coming in-" Her eyes flicked to the clock on the wall, "-half an hour."

A sigh escaped from Lucifer and he stood back, allowing her to get back to making dinner.

"Right, what can I do to help?" he asked, uncharacteristically offering his skillset without requesting anything in return. "I'm not sure if I trust your cooking skills enough for a whole roast dinner."

Chloe shook her head and laughed. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. I manage just fine. But since you asked, you can rub down the chicken and put it in the oven."

Lucifer exhaled heavily and carefully extracted the chicken from the bag, plopping it in the oven tray. He wrinkled his nose in a way that Chloe thought was cute and she shared a secret smile with herself. She could get used to this.

"Detective, where do you keep your thyme?" questioned Lucifer, turning to Chloe. "The plant, not the concept."

"Uhhh, I don't think we have any."

"Detective, how do you expect me to make roast chicken without thyme?!"

Chloe shrugged. "If you wanted thyme, you should've told me when we were at the store, Mr Fancypants."

Lucifer smirked, "I think you fancy what's in my pants."

Chloe's face tinged red with embarrassment, although she couldn't disagree. She should have known that he'd turn that into a sex joke. He nearly always did that.

"Lucifer, just make the chicken and stick it in the oven."

Lucifer opened his mouth, smirk still plastered on his face.

"And don't make another sex joke about sticking things in things," Chloe continued, slicing the onion with vigour. She heard him sigh in disappointment and carry on prepping the chicken.


The doorbell cut sharply through the air, causing Chloe to jump in surprise. Her brain switched to full panic mode, rushing around the kitchen, straightening table cloths, checking food, running her hands through her hair, until Lucifer caught her arm and halted her.

"Detective, you have this all under control. Everything is fine. Just relax," he told her, "Breathe. It looks perfect."

Chloe nodded, trying to follow Lucifer's orders. "You're right, I'm sure it will work out. I'm only hosting dinner for a demon, an angel, a half-angel baby, the first woman of all time, my ex-husband and two of my best friends. I'm sure it'll be okay."

"Of course I'm right, Detective. It will all work out perfectly."

Having forgotten about the door in her rush to neaten things up, Chloe heard a curious knock, as if the knocker was checking that the owner of the house was actually inside. She hurried across the room and opened the door to reveal a tired-looking Linda and Amenadiel and a very happy Charlie, who giggled in joy and hugged Chloe's legs. Chloe smiled down at the little toddler who clung to her like she was the last hope on Earth.

"Charlie, let go of Chloe's legs, they are not a plushie!" exclaimed Linda, glancing apologetically at Chloe before extracting her little angel and carrying him inside. Amenadiel grinned at Chloe, passing her into the house and she shut the door behind him. 

"Smells beautiful!"

"Excuse me, brother, but I must ask you to stop hitting on my girlfriend. She smells wonderful, but she's mine," Lucifer called from across the room.

"Charming as ever, Luci. What are we eating?"

"Roast chicken and veges," answered Chloe, moving to check on what Lucifer was doing. 

"But dessert's a surprise," continued Lucifer, smirking and dusting off his hands on his apron that read 'Mr. Good Lookin' is Cookin' '.

After the small family had arrived, the rest of the onslaught of their slightly mismatched family arrived, consisting of Ella, Dan, Maze and Eve. Soon, the house was crowded with a happy atmosphere and finally, Chloe felt herself relax. But only after Lucifer had poured her a drink.

"Who's ready for dessert?" called Lucifer, rising from his chair and grabbing empty, soiled plates.

A varying choruses of 'yes' erupted from the table, complete with Charlie's addition of "Deserwt!" and Maze's contribution of "Hell yeah.". Lucifer grinned, leaving to prep the sweeter meal. 

When Chloe had first suggested the idea, Lucifer was understandably nervous. He hadn't had big family gatherings in years. In fact, he had never really considered anyone his family until arriving on Earth just over 10 years ago. He had never expected this to be the outcome when he first issued his retirement from Hell. But now, as he glanced over at his mixed, slightly crazy family, he knew he'd never been happier. Nothing in his life had ever felt so, so real. 

"Who wants pecan pie?"

A/N: So this is my first, real fanfiction. Let me know what you think! I don't know if you liked it or not but I enjoyed writing it so yeah! Thanks for reading!

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