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Chihiro's fingers quickly typed several different lines of code into the laptop as Naegi and Kyoko stood beside him, trying their best to keep up with the several lines that seemingly poured out of him as his eyes analyzed the screen. As he entered the code, Kyoko and Naegi's eyes widened as suddenly the screen showed darkness... but then sudden movement began to make the screen slightly brighten up as they were introduced to what looked to be a shower room...

"What.. is happening to my notebook..?"
Kyoko: Chihiro-

The screen suddenly shown a girl with dark brown hair that had a tint if green and desaturated green eyes.. Naegi's eyes widened slightly as the girl's eyes stared in shock.

Naegi: K-Komaru?!
Komaru: Makoto..! Thank goodness you're okay!-

Komaru was suddenly cut off as she slipped a little on the slippery floor, using the wall to try and support herself as she stared at the screen.

Komaru: A-Are you safe..? Where are you? Who are your friends?
Naegi: For now, I'm safe. We're both in hope's peak and this is my... m-my-
Kyoko: Girlfriend. I'm Kyoko Kirigiri.

As Naegi's face grew a bright red, Kyoko turned to him and smiled softly, nodding as Naegi sighed and continued.

Naegi: R-Right.. my friend here is Chihiro Fujisaki. He is the reason we were even able to communicate with you.
Komaru: Thank you so much..! You have no idea how worried I was when I realized you were here too..
Naegi: Really? You're still looking good, sis!
Komaru: Thanks! You too, bro!
Kyoko: Naegi.
Naegi: Where are you? I can barely even see you..
Komaru: Well, I was just taking a show-

Kyoko tensed up and immediately covered both Naegi and Chihiro's eyes with her hands as she sighed in irritation.

Kyoko: We'll try and call you back. I'm sorry for the interruption.
Komaru: H-Huh? Hey, Wai-!

Kyoko ended the call and released the boy's eyes from her hold as she crossed her arms.

Naegi: Kiri! What was that?! We had contact with-
Kyoko:... I may have overreacted. Chihiro, can you send my digital notebook a map of the school?
Chihiro: On it.
Naegi: Wait, where are you-

Before Naegi could finish his question, Kyoko held him by the shoulders and leaned into his ear, whispering quietly to prevent anyone else but him from hearing.

Kyoko: I'm going to find them. Stay here and cover for me.
Naegi: Komaru is there.. I won't just let her-
Kyoko: Everyone will notice if You're missing. Not many will ask to many questions if I'm gone.. Just be sure to keep all of their attention on you.
Naegi:... just.. be safe..
Kyoko: You have my word.

As the Detective backed away from the Lucky student, she looked at her digital notebook, taking note on the map that Chihiro sent her.

Kyoko: I'll be sure to inform you as soon as I find them.
Chihiro: J-Just be careful..
Naegi: Yeah. Don't go taking unnecessary risks.

Kyoko nodded before she put her notebook away and walked towards the door. However, she only took a few steps before she turned around and hugged Naegi tightly.

Kyoko: Be strong... For me.
Naegi:.. I will. Just be safe..

As she nodded, she pulled away and blushed softly, a gentle hue grew on her cheeks as she turned away and left the room. Naegi sighed softly while Chihiro continued to type on his laptop.

Chihiro: She will be fine.. I know it.
Naegi: Really?..
Chihiro: If (YN) can survive, then I'm sure Kyoko can.. besides, she has a map and the treasure.
Naegi: Y-Yeah.. You're right.


While I was sitting in the locker room waiting for everyone to finish with the locker room, I heard Komaru suddenly slip up and crash in the bathroom. I shot up from where I was seated and and rushed towards the showers, knocking on the door.

(YN): Komaru? Are you okay?
Komaru: I-I'm fine! You'll never guess what happened!
(YN): What?
Komaru: Get everyone else! I need to get myself situated!

As I nodded, I turned around and ran, but stopped just before I could actually leave the locker room, I stopped in my tracks... The damn cameras were in my way.

I can't tell or get anyone so long as Monokuma is watching me. I turned away and ran back to Komaru to inform her that I couldn't do it.

With some time passing, and Komaru changing into some more appropriate clothes, she ran out to get everyone and return to the locker room with everyone. Kazuichi, Nagito, Hajime, Chiaki, Mikan, Fuyuhiko, and Peko, we all stood in the locker room as Komaru began to explain what happened while she was in the shower.

Komaru: My digital notebook just.. got a notification! Like when Monokuma would send us a new rule or some clues. Then when I checked, I saw my brother!
(YN): Makoto?
Komaru: Makoto..! He looked amazing.. I'm so glad he's safe!
Hajime: Komaru, that... you don't talk about your brother like.. a sister would.
Komaru: Shush! Anyways, He had his girlfriend, Kyoko Kirigiri, and his friend, Chihiro Fujisaki. They seem to be on their way!
Kazuichi: Wait, seriously? No way!
Nagito: It seems that you really are a beacon of hope.

As Nagito, spoke, he turned to me. His pale eyes stared deep into my own as I turned my body torwards him.

Nagito: I'm so glad you're working on getting over your despair!
Fuyuhiko: Can it, Hope fanatic. Someone get him a bagel.
Nagito: Ahahaha. Sorry, my friends.
Komaru: As I was saying, they should be on their way to come and get us. I don't know when, but I hope it's soon!
Chiaki: Hope is all we need.
Nagito: Indeed, my dear friends! Once our forces combine, we will all triumph and-
Kazuichi: Can it!

Nagito's hood was suddenly forced over his head as Kazuichi groaned, rubbing the back of his neck in irritation.

Kazuichi: So keep an eye out for anyone that may be here?
Hajime: If we run into anyone new, We have to bring them to (YN) so he can see who they may be.

Everyone nodded in agreement as we all tried to come up with a sort of system to try and spread out as much as possible to find who ever may enter..

Unfortunately, I didn't exactly contribute much. I didn't know this area as well as the others.

That, and my mind was running... wondering and worrying for everyone else.. for Chihiro..

Danganronpa: DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now