Miss Fortune

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As I placed my hand over Chihiro's own hand, she grabbed the ear buds and threw them away from herself, clutching onto me as she cried into my shoulder. I paused for a moment but I allowed her this chance to grieve. Looking around, I saw Sayaka dash out of the room as she screamed. Naegi followed after her as he shouted for her to wait...

Everyone has been given a Motive.. It would be difficult for anyone to trust anyone anymore.

Eventually, curfew came by. Everyone was instructed to go into their rooms to either sleep or just try and get the motives off our heads. I sighed and slumped into my own bed... How could I help the others?

All I saw was some symbol. I don't even know what it means. Judging from Naegi's and Chihiro's video, everyone had to watch someone important die. Someone who meant something to them...

Why didn't I have that?

No.. No, No. I can help them. I can't give up like that. I slapped myself and sighed as I got myself up from bed. Fortunately, it was at a convenient time as I heard knocking coming from my door.

Sayaka: N-Naegi..?
(YN): Oh dear.

I opened my door and saw Sayaka. She was visibly shaking as her eyes were a light shade of red. The poor girl was wiping her cheeks from tears as she looked up and saw it was me instead of Naegi.

Sayaka: O-Oh..sorry to interrupt..
(YN): Don't worry. Naegi's door is about.. three doors right. You can't miss it.
Sayaka: H-How do you..know?
(YN): There's name tags next to the door. You see?

As she turned to see that there were tags, she nodded and wiped her eyes, sniffing as she bowed slightly.

Sayaka: I'm s-still sorry.. Good n-night..
(YN): Actually. Mind if I ask what you're seeing Naegi for?

Her eyes slowly diverted from me as she shook her head, telling me that she would rather not say. I nodded and wished her a goodnight as I closed my door.

Monokuma: Ya'know. It really is interesting. You playing hero, I mean.
(YN): Okay, how did you get in here?
Monokuma: There ain't a single room that I can't go in. Well.. Except the Locker rooms. I may be devious, but I would rather not go that far.
(YN):... What do you get out of this?
Monokuma: Eh?
(YN): The killing game. Why are you doing this to us? Why are you doing it at all?
Monokuma: Ahh. Well, I can't answer that. Honestly, it ain't my story to gossip. You know how it is. Kiss, don't tell?
(YN):.. You won't break them, Monokuma.
Monokuma: What? Pssh. Please. They're already feeling it.
(YN): So long as I'm around, they won't fall to you.
Monokuma: Ohh. Well, luckily for you, I can't kill ya. Not unless you break a rule that is. Lets hope your friends realize how much you're needed before it's to late.

I walked passed the stuffed bear as it disappeared. I laid down on my bed and sighed softly, trying to shake off whatever feeling I had...

I didn't want to see them get hurt. Not anymore then they already are.

Once morning came around, I groaned and shifted in my bed. I reached for my digital notebook and saw that it was about time that everyone met to eat breakfast. We all arranged to eat together so then we would know if anyone was missing.

I got up and put on a new shirt as I walked towards the door. As I pulled it down, I opened my door and noticed that Chihiro was sitting next to my door while typing on her laptop what looked to be code into it.

(YN): Ah... Chihiro?
Chihiro: Mhm..
(YN): What are you doing?
Chihiro: Mhm...

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