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Before I start I have a shout out to make.

Go follow @BookGurl1300 and read her stuff! It's REALLY good😏
Okay I'll do the update 😊💜🔥

Tris POV

I pull away. I can help but smile. He gives me the flowers and Starbucks.

"Tobias, as much as I'd love to stay with you right now, I have some stuff to do. I have to go home. I'm sorry," I say into his shirt. He nods and gives me a peck on the mouth and we walk out to my car.

I get in wave goodbye and drive home. I have so much to do. The cheerleaders will be here soon for our sleepover. Tomorrow we're announcing the homecoming court and the spirit week days.

We still need to decide on spirit week days. Oh no. Pretty soon they're all at my house and we get started.

After what seems like hours we have the days decided and we're making posters.

Monday- Dynamic Duo
Tuesday- Decade Day
Wednesday- Royalty Day
Thursday- Super Hero Day
Friday- Blue and Orange Day/Senior Toga Day

We all finish and crash in my room.

We wake up the next morning to Caleb banging on pots and pans. I sit up and just glare at him. He runs and I just sit there and smirk.

They all leave to separate areas of the huge house of ours to get ready.

I trudge into my closet to pick something out. I pick out a cute outfit when I realize we have to wear our cheer uniforms today because we have a football game tonight.

I slowly put it on and trudge out I my closet and into my private bathroom. I curl the ends of my hair and tie my hair into a ponytail. I apply make up and put in my cheer bow and an orange headband.

I walk out of my bathroom and put my shoes on. I then grab my bag and run downstairs.
All of us hop in our cars and drive to school.

I see Michael there. I almost puke at the sight. I almost laugh though too cause his head is bandaged and he's on crutches. Looks like someone's not marching for band or even playing football!

All of the cheerleaders follow me and Christina into the gym so we can set up some more for the homecoming assembly.

We finish and once the bell rings everyone floods in and sits. Our principal says some stuff and soon it's time to announce the homecoming court!

We take our seats and the counselor for the freshmen stands.

"I'm am proud to announce that this years freshmen homecoming prince is, Andrew Lafyette!!!" She says. "And your freshman homecoming princess is, Anna Cortez!" They both make their way over to the little stage we set up.

Then the sophomore counselor announces the prince and princess. They are Natalia Ruiz and Mikey Rousolf.

The junior prince and princess is Kimberly Johnsen and Alex Bortin.

Then the senior class counselor comes up.

"Okay here are the final 3 homecoming court couples! First up is, Tris Prior and Four Eaton!" I'm just standing there shocked. Four comes up and escorts me up to the stage thing. We look so cute! He's wearing his football jersey. Since he has his backpack on he pulls out another jersey with his name and number on it and gives it to me. I slip it on and sit down.

Christina and Will get called up too. Along with Marlene and Uriah. Lauren from the cheer squad comes over with a smile and hands us our flowers and sashes. The sashes are blue with a black outline and in orange it says "Divergent High School HC Royalty". I can't help but smile.

I get up with Chris and we go and announce the days for spirit week. Out senior section cheers so loud for the Senior Toga Day. We get released with a routine from the cheer squad and we hit it perfectly! Then we sing the fight song and exit the gym to first period.
So there's a chapter! I just thought of something. I kinda want to save up money so when I get a car I can buy a license plate that says 'FOURTRIS' or '46' or '4TRIS' or something like that. NO ONE TAKE MY IDEA!!!! but anyways read my new book it's on my profile. It's the only other book I have so.... Auf Wiederzehn!!!😘✌️💜🔥

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