
653 17 9

Tris POV

I wake with a start. I'm really confused. I was just at the football game now I'm here in my room with people outside my window walking towards a huge cement wall? What's going on? Just then a man who I've never seen before bursts into my room yelling in German for me to get up and grab any valuable clothes I wanted to bring but I was given a bag that was smaller than my backpack to put the clothes in.

I grabbed my iPhone of course along with my charger and throw a pair of jean capris and a thin sweatshirt that says 'Not Your Wifey' and put my black vans on. I throw a pair of jeans, my North Face windbreaker, my pink Uggs with the bows on the back and another thin sweatshirt from Aeropostale and throw it in my bag. I have just enough time to grab my neck pillow and a soft fuzzy pink blanket before we're escorted out the door.

~~~~~~TIME LAPSE~~~~~~~~

We've been on this train for days. It's a cattle car. It's filfly but luckily someone on my block had brought a LOT of sheets. Since Tobias and I live next door to each other, we were in the same car. We sit in silence on the navy blue sheet. The train comes to a halt and someone unbolts the door.

"Wir werden bald an unserem Zielort anzukommen. Ihr Ziel aber ich kann Ihnen nicht sagen. Wir kommen bald. Ich empfehle Ihnen sich umzuziehen und packen ihre Sachen. Ich kann Ihnen sagen, welche neuen Kontinent sind sie auf. Sie befinden sich jetzt in Europa. Wie es dazu kam, wieder kann ich dir nicht sagen. Nun Sie, Frau Beatrice vor. Sie sind verantwortlich für das Auto. Wenn jemand vermisst wird zwischen hier und unser Ziel, sie und die anderen Mitglieder hier werden sofort erschossen. Jetzt guten Tag."

Translation: We will soon arrive at our destination. Your destination however I can not tell you. We will arrive soon. I suggest changing clothes and packing up your stuff. I can tell you what new continent you are on though. You are now in Europe. How we got here, again i can not tell you. Now you, Beatrice Prior. You are in charge of the car. If anyone goes missing between here and our destination, you and everyone in here will be shot immediately. Now good day.


Okay guys so maybe you guys can figure out where Im going with this so if you have an idea private message me. We'll see just how smart you are;) OH AND THANK YOU FOR 4.01K!!!!!!!!!!! But I have a bunch of free time right now cause of Winter Break but I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas or if you dont celebrate Christmas, I still hope you had a good time celebrating what you believe in:D

So before I go, I wanna ask you guys of your either worst ot best highlight of the 24th and 25th. Mine was bad. A random person I dont even know got on my account with his own and called me a S-L-U-T and accused me of cheating on my boyfriend and he then got on my boyfriend profie and told him how me and him hooked up(which we didnt do cause remember idek know the person and I would NEVER do that) but my friends were standing up for me and eventually he left and my boyfriend didnt belive the guy the etire time! Hes so sweet! But yea so comment!:D Love ya guys!<4

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