Chapter 3

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Holly's POV:

When were getting changed to go to the club, we listened to 5SOS and I have to admit, they aren't that bad, actually pretty catchy. Kyra, Morgan and Lilly have listened to their songs before, but I was the only new one exposed to it. So essentially, they knew who we were meeting today. I think my favorite song is Good Girls, it's just so god damn catchy.

"So Holly, how about Calum?" Kyra asks me with a smirk.

"Okay, he is SO fine! Like just, damn boy."

"She will get it, I give it a day." Lilly says next. I flip her off, I don't doubt what she said though.

"Okay mom, we are leaving. Bye, love you!" I call out, as we walk out of the house. I'm wearing a tight fitted dress, that hugs my curves, my hair curly and long with black heels. Lilly is wearing a cheetah print pencil skirt with a low cut black shirt and red heels, her hair also curly. Kyra is wearing a black one sleeved dress, with silver heels and her hair straight, while Morgan is wearing a dark blue sleeved dress with black heels and straight hair. We decide to walk, since the club is just in downtown and we are a few blocks away from there. Tonight is going to be fun.


We make it into the club with ease, not even being questioned of our ages. We find a booth and sit down while Morgan goes and gets us drinks. She returns and tells us she scored alcohol, now all we need is boys. We take a whole bunch of selfies, just goofing off for a bit, before we all decide to go dance. We head to the dance floor as some hip hop song plays. We all start dancing like sluts, not caring at all what people think. A few guys look over at us, and I wink at them, making one of them grin. We dance for 20 more minutes until I feel someone pressed against me from behind. I take the chance and start to grind on the person, just having fun. Soon, their hands wrap around my waist, and they whisper in my ear.

"Fancy seeing you here love." The Australian accent gets me, and I look and see it's Calum.

"I could say the same to you!" I say back. The rest of the boys come over and start dancing with all of us. We dance goofily, and laugh at each other the whole time, especially Calum. He dances like a spaghetti man. Soon he holds on to my hips, while I grind against him. I could almost sworen I heard him moan. Kyra gawks at us, and then everyone else starts cat calling us, simultaneously, we both flip them all off. Next thing I know, I see a flash and Morgan is taking a picture of us.

"No flash photography oh my god!" Calum says in a higher pitched voice, making me laugh at how weird he is. We dance for a little bit longer until we all go to the booth since our feet is hurting. Kyra and Morgan come back with 8 drinks for all of us.

"How the hell do you guys get that much alcohol?!" Mikey asks.

"You gotta have boobs, they get you a long way." Kyra says.

"True." I say to her statement. Calum's arm snakes behind my back and pulls me into his side, acting like he didn't even do it. I go along with it and take a gulp of my drink, and then placing my right hand on his thigh. He looks over at me, but I don't look at him. There is definitely some sexual frustration between us, even though we just met today.

"You look sexy tonight." He whispers in my ear, making me blush.

"You don't look that bad yourself." I wink at him and in return he grins at me, squeezing my thigh with his free hand. I've had it done to me from a fair share of guys, but the way he did it sends shivers down my back.

"So have you listened to my band yet?" He asks. I nod my head yes, since I was taking a drink. "And?"

"I can dig it, you're a good singer." I say, setting down my glass.

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