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Holly Garing is known around her town as a "whore", staying with a guy for about a week and leaving him for the next. She gets bored of the same pace everyday dating life, she's looking for excitement at every turn, not just a flat road ahead. Someone who acts on impulse and doesn't have their life planed out.

She comes from a broken home, taking after her mothers' footsteps. Since her parents divorced when she was 11, she has had 3 step dads, and her mom is now working on a fourth, with multiple boyfriends in between. She doesn't know any better, since that's what she has observed and replicated.

Holly just finished her senior year of high school and is going to go into college, with her only 3 friends; Kyra, Lilly and Morgan after summer is over. These four are joined at the hip, and they are anything but innocent high school girls.


Calum is in the famous band 5 Seconds of Summer. He tours the world, hooking up with girls at every stop, claiming that it's "all in good fun". His band mates tease him constantly, calling him a slut, but he just ignores them. Ever since he and his girlfriend broke up over a year ago, he's done nothing but go around having sex with people.

Wouldn't it be a shame if......they crossed each other's path?

*smut based fan fic & fluff*
(Smut almost every chapter/ every other)

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