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Growing up with him, you had the opportunity to learn from various cultures and human customs, as well as fulfill your main task of being with him at all times, whether good or bad, always sharing contagious smiles or hugs that, although imperceptible, comforted him.

During a little more of his first decade of earthly life, you experienced a lot of things thanks to the young boy; such as the reformatory.

You still weren't sure of the effectiveness of that institution. It didn't seem right that children were literally caged in such a way. They were not to blame; none of those little hearts would be able to harbor the "evil" that adults condemned. As much as those kids had done something wrong, such vileness was not born of them. But, you couldn't do more than swallow your own opinion.

Another one of those unforgettable experiences during his stay there was... Well, his first "mistake".


And not because of the act itself, but because of the detail that he did it in front of an image that the same children of God gave to the guardian angels.

Being honest, you were more naive than average. When you saw the young boy's state, you thought something bad was happening to him. What could you say? It was the first time you witnessed something like that; suddenly agitated, flushed and with crystalline eyes. It goes without saying that once you realized what was actually happening, you turned around and tried not to see. You couldn't turn a deaf ear in case he asked for you at any time. Less still leaving him alone; you weren't allowed to get away from him.

Oh, boy.

However, no matter whatever the boy would do, your forgiveness and support would be unconditional towards him. Always.

One of the things that surprised you the most -in addition to the previous one- was when his beautiful dark hair changed to a fine golden color, and then to a violet one. It was completely new, strange and fascinating. Still and once in a while, you would take some strands of your own hair, examining it and wondering if yours could do that too.

And so, little by little and thanks to the Lord, that little soul took shape in something wonderful that lasted ... until that day.

Angel Wounds [Shorter Wong x reader] ENG VER.Where stories live. Discover now