The Reality Dream

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Sky's *POV*

So I came home again today with my parents mad at me, at school my teacher made a phone call home not because i was being disruptive or anything, but because I was day dreaming again! I still remember her angry reaction when she called my name, "Sky! Sky!" called my teacher Mrs. Laura. Apparently I was supposed to answer a question, but I of course wasn't really paying attention.... Anyways I'm in 8th grade this year at Lyla Middle School. Now I don't usually daydream a lot, or at least not during class. When I got home my parents were sitting in the living room and I could tell they were about to start lecturing me again, after they were through they told me like always to go to my room for a little while. I wasn't that bad was i? I thought to myself, but then a loud noise quickly interrupted my thoughts there was a knock on my window. Of course it's my closest friend Sophie! I've always wondered why she never uses the door. She says it's just more fun climbing up my house to the small balcony outside my window; she says it's like what people do in the movies... We're really close friends actually, we meet when we were four years old! It was one sunny day during the summer and I happen to be playing outside with my dog Ben when Sophie came skipping down the street. She happens to be my neighbor actually! (Anyways enough with the flashback on with the story!) I unlocked the window/door and Sophie came inside. She usually comes by for random visits so it didn't surprise me that she had come over; she always knows when I'm home because I text her a lot. (And sure u might think we could just text but it's more fun when we're friends come over) Sophie quietly sat down and asked me something, "Hey Sky, so I was wondering if you want to come to the mall with me tomorrow after school?" She said with delight. "Sure, I guess." I responded. "Is it a special occasion or something?" I asked with a skeptical look on my face. "No." She responded with the same skeptical look. "Why?" She asked with curiosity. "I don't know we just don't go to the mall a lot, because of school and stuff." I said. "Oh, well I guess that's true, but I don't know I just feel like going, plus this guy named Hayes Grier is going with his girlfriend Hannah." Sophie said excitedly. At this point I would have thought Hayes Grier was some popular guy, but then I guessed I asked some stupid question when I said,"Who's that?" "Are you serious!" Only like the cutest guy ever!" She yelped. "Oh yeah I think I recognize that name, isn't he a youtuber and viner or whatever? " I asked softly. Sophie looked at me like she didn't even know who I was; like I was crazy or something. I guess I'm supposed to know this... Although I do not. Then Sophie gave me a little I don't know what you would call it; like a tutorial on everything, not only Hayes, but everything in Magcon. Then slowly I started to fall for them, although I didn't say it at first. After that Sophie left and I just laid down in my bed. Am I really starting to fall for these crazy boys? And I drifted slowly off to sleep thinking about, them...

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