Chapter 2 - Stalker?

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Cold sweat ran down Urahara's face as he watched the girl jump off the cliff, Malna had her eyes shut, holding her hands together accepting faith, she was ready to fall to her death. Why has this come to this?

Malna's eyes fluttered open, when she felt warmth radiate through her body, she cuddled closer to the source. "Hmm." A hum, caused her to open her eyes wider to only witness a hint of platinum blonde, before everything went black.

Malna's P.O.V

The throbbing headache from last night, has still not left completely. I opened my eyes to welcome the sunrise, that iris of fire so pretty in its mascara of pure light, a calming wind embraced me and slowly danced with the curtains.

The white plank walls and the bamboo flooring were not familiar, with a little extra strength I lifted my upper body off the bed, to get a look at my surroundings. To my surprise I was unable to recognise anything.

"Where am I?"

"Urahara Shoten." The voice, which came from behind me answered my question, I turned around in a flash almost ending up with a crick in my neck.

What I saw next almost, had my heart exploding. A tall, lean man with light skin stood at the doorway, his grey eyes diving deep into my blues. His ruffled platinum blonde hair was covered with a green and white striped bucket hat. He was wearing a dark green shihakusho without an undershirt. I would be able to recognise this man anywhere, even in my sleep, he is my bae after all.

"URAHARA KISUKE?!" I exclaimed in shock, pointing your index finger at him, whilst covering your mouth in shock. Did I die and go to heaven?

Urahara stared at me with his eyes wide open, he seemed to be just as shocked as I was. Did I over - react? Well this is the first time I am seeing cosplay this good.

"How do you know who I am?" He asked, hiding his face behind his traditional japanese hand fan. I raised an eyebrow at him, how would I not know who he is? He is literally on every wall in my house.

"Why would I know you? You are my - " I was interrupted by a very annoyed voice.

'You idiot.' The voice exclaimed, which almost seemed as if it came within me. 'He is not cosplay, he is the real deal.' The voice scolded, as I sat on the futon more dumbfounded than I already was. The real deal?

'Huuuuh, Don't tell me you forgot what happened yesterday." The voice spoke again, creeping me out. Where the heck was this voice coming from?

"Hmm - Are you a stalker?" Urahara asked, closing his fan pointing it at me, I could feel my face heat up. A stalker? A well I do know everything about him which was provided by the web and read almost every fanfiction available. Does that make me a stalker?

"Eh?" I tilted my head to the side, confused beyond words could tell. "Who's a stalker?" I asked and he gave me a look of amusement.

"You - who else would that be?" He smirked and the blush on your face grew. "So now why don't you tell me - how do you know me?" He said, and immediate panic took over me and I did the first thing that came into my mind.

"AAAAAH - the world is shaking." I pretended to be dizzy and stole a glance at him, he placed his hand fan to his lips and smiled. He isn't going to buy it is he? I am doomed.


I sat at the dining table, my ghost out of my mouth. What happened last night was not some crazy dream, it was reality. I really did end up in the bleach world, and am currently sitting at the Urahara shoten eating breakfast next to Urahara, who claims that I am a stalker.

*anime cries a waterfall*

Why did I jump off the cliff? The more I think of it the more I feel like the original body owner had control at the moment. My memory from last night is still a bit hazy, but still I learnt something about my role in this world. An abused prince, rescued by her charming prince. Typical romance novel, and it looks like I am the female lead.

End of Chapter - 

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