Hurt me

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Hurt me
Kill me
Tare me into peaces
Take my soul and rip it out
Next my heart, than laugh about
All the things you´ve done to me.

Hit me
Kick me
Break my bones
My nose, my trust
Burn my books and proud to dust
Feel the power of a tyrant in your hands

Take me
Have me
Drop me
Steal kisses and hearts
Found mine in Shards
Burried and forgotten in a garbage can

Abuse me
Breake me
Show me hate
Show me desinterest
Burn my hands with cigarettes
Make me cry, make me distressed
And in the end beat me up for the tears in my eyes

You can hurt me
You can kill me
You can tare me into peaces
You can shadder all the things, I call my own
Can devour them with hide and bone
And leave a inky black and empty hole

But by evry single wound
you tare into my flesh
You tare a way open
For your nightmares

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