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Just as we can feel that we are experiencing love we can also pick up on the different higher vibrations of masters and angels. There is not a mechanical device yet that can pick up on these signatures to let us know if they are in the room with us, but we do have this device in our subtle bodies. We have the ability to pick up on energy signatures. Some psychologists and hard-nose scientists will bluntly deny this, mostly because they were taught it is crazy talk in college, even though they are just as empathetic as anyone else. Its sad that they were taught to deny one of our greatest natural gifts as nonsense, or even worse as a problem that is seen as a sickness. Or the humorous idea that there is nothing to study in the subjective, that it is "just the way it is" and has no place in science.

Back to the point at hand... if you have ever tried to access the energy of a master or angel you might have noticed that there is an intelligence in the energy itself. The energy of a being in these types of consciousness is dynamically intelligent as there is no difference between the consciousness and the energy itself. When the energy is there the being is there too, just as much as we cant separate the tip of a wing and the bird itself.

How do I know this? I spent time with a Himalayan master swami and when I would meet with him he would tell me things I was doing even while we were separate physically. The only way he could know what I was doing even when I was miles away from him is if he were telepathically linked to his own energy and/or connected mentally to the energy signatures of myself and of what was around me at the time.

Being connected through the telepathic-energetic link all things can be known. And as you know, if you are reading this, you also have the ability. We are all masters in training and have the technology in our own spirits to link to information in this way. This is why we are learning to connect to masters and angels, as these beings are at the pinnacle of understanding, they can show us the way. As to why this is even important that we are able to do this I will be exploring in another section. But I will say that in my personal belief the Universe-God wants to fill our cup to the brim and as our energetic vessel grows our will to receive grows as does our will to bestow.

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