The Lie

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Leo came back in the lair still mad of what Raph had told him. Why would he do this to them? Mikey saw Leo and immediately asked, "Did you find him?" He couldn't tell them what happened. It might break his younger brothers heart. "Well uh, while I was walking, Raph sent me a message saying that.." he had to think of the next thing to say. "That what?" He thought of something. "He's not going to make it." Mikey looked down and he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Donnie, "Raph risked his life for us. He did something brave, Mikey." Mikey sighed. "I'm going to be in my room," Leo said and headed towards his room. He sat down on his bed and thinked. Will the others change? Will the team become weak without Raph? Will they run into him one night and they realized it was a lie that he told? All these questions were going through his head and it made him feel dizzy. He laid dowm on his bed and closed his eyes. Leo was in an alley with his two brothers in fighting position, and it was foggy which made it hard for them to see. Especially Leo who was confused. The same chain that tugged on Leo came out and pulled Mikey and Donnie into the shadows both yelling help, but Leo couldn't save them. Leo held out one of his Katanas. Ninja stars came out and went to Leo then blocked them with his Katana. While blocking, Raph came out and kicked Leo as hard as he could. Leo stumbled back and fell. Raph started to beat Leo until he was too weak to move. He saw Raph come walking with his Sais in his hands. He tried to escape, but it was too late..he already struck. Leo woke up panting and sweating. "It was only a dream, Leonardo. Only a dream." He said to himself. Then the same questions came back to him. Will the others change? Will the team become weak without Raph? Will they run into him one night and they realized it was a lie that he told? It was the lie that kept him awake and mad it useless for him to sleep.

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