Chapter 1: The End of the Beginning

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In a world far far away...

That's not right.

In a world far far far far far far far far far far far far far FAR, away..

Wait no, that's too much.

In a world so far away, that it isn't even part of ours... lived an elemental cat, who didn't even

know what would soon become of him-..

You know what, forget it. Let's just wing it.

In a quiet village, in a small hut, belonging to someone, was one room, with a bed, and trash all around it. The resident was breathing under the covers of it. There's a knock at the door.

The person inside didn't answer, they knocked again. Still no answer. They banged on the door, causing the resident under the covers wakes up slowly, with a bit of bed hair, or.. Bed fur. This was Uzunya Hikaru. An Elemental cat that lived in the village of Okamura. This purple fellow with a swirl birthmark on his head was about a mostly matured age, standing at only almost 3 feet with a red swirl on his forehead. He made his way to the door with his eyes barely open. He opened his door

Uzunya: Y-yeah?..

???: Hikaru!!! Have you forgotten?! Today is the day!

Uzunya yawned mid sentence.

Uzunya: The day?..

???: Grab the orb and let's go!

This yelling from the elder of the village, Genzo, a brown Elemental cat who's been taking care of Okamura for decades.

Uzunya: Oh so you didn't give it to me for a decoration?

Genzo looked at him sternly.

Uzunya chuckled.

Uzunya: Now where did I put that thing..

Genzo: A good future Elemental should be able to keep track of their belongings.

Uzunya rolled his eyes, pulling a mysterious orb with a misty swirl on the inside of it, from his belt. This belt was a gift that could protect any item at all as long as it was tucked inside of the pouches on the belt. The pouches happened to have a lot more space that they seemed to. He had no idea what the orb was or what it was for, but Elder Genzo told him to keep watch of the orb. As he trusted him for his own reasons, wanting him to learn Akari, one of the most powerful elements. This one was the most used in the village. Akari was a light power that can be used by elementals to purify, or attack with beams of light. It was urged to be taught to every inhabitant of the village.

Uzunya: Alright, got it.

He showed Genzo the orb.

Genzo: Good, it didn't crack. Come along now, let's head to the garden.

The flower garden in the village was the home of the Ka Temple.Villagers usually went to this temple to pray or to purify cursed items, or cursed villagers.
The two walked peacefully across the village to the garden that was at the very end of the village. Uzunya held the orb looking at Genzo, wanting to ask so much.

Genzo: have a question don't you.

Uzunya: Several.

Genzo sighed.

Genzo: Only if they're not idiotic.

Uzunya: What is this thing, pops.

Genzo: That is a capture orb. It can be used to capture evil beings with the power of Akari.

Uzunya: What did you capture?

Genzo: An evil being who's been terrifying the neighboring village for years, who goes by simply Shado. A user of Yami. I was requested to stop the creature from his doings. Revoking darkness into the village and simply just causing mischief. He found pleasure in watching others suffer. Whether this be destroying their homes, belongings, or even taking the life a pawful of innocents.

Uzunya: That doesn't make any sense, evil doer's motives these days get stupider and stupider.

Genzo: It's just another mindless being begging for power and superiority. Like most of us. I'm sure there was more, but it didn't matter. It just wanted power and threatened it could destroy everything if it wanted to.

Uzunya: Do you think it could?

Genzo: I'm not exactly sure, his powers were very high ranked. One of the hardest duels I've had I must say.

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