Chapter 3

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A month pasted since Hermione and dracos first date, they went on many more. Hermione felt as if she was herself again when she was with Draco, they weren't officially together. Hermione laided in her bed when someone jumped on it. Hermione just up and yelled then she saw the lump on her bed. "I gave you that key for emergencies only." Hermione said. "this is an emergency." Draco smiled. Hermione walked over to her dresser and brushed her hair. "What's the emergency?" Hermione asked. Draco grabbed Hermione and pulled her on the bed, Hermione squealed . "I missed you." Draco said. Hermione laughted and pulled Draco into a kiss. Draco pulled away. "you know you've been kissing me more." Draco said. "I know...I haven't really thought about what happened during the war, kissing isn't really a big deal now. But I draw a line at anything else right now." Hermione said. "So I can do this?" Draco asked as he connected their lips. Hermione and Draco began to kiss passionately. Hermione and Draco pulled apart resting their foreheads together. "Yes you can do that." Hermione said. "Good." Draco said. "Very." Hermione pulled Draco back into a kiss. They began to kiss more fiercely, Draco trailed kisses down hermiones neck. "Draco...stop." Hermione said. Draco pulled back. "I'm sorry." Draco said. "it's ok just stay up here ok." Hermione said. Draco nodded and began to kiss Hermione again. There was a knock on the door. Hermione sighed. "I have to get that." Hermione said. "Do you have to." Draco asked. Hermione giggled and pushed Draco away. "Yes." Hermione got up and walked out of her room, down the stairs, to the door. Hermione opened the door and saw Ron and Harry. "What?" Hermione asked. "Mione' we need you." Harry said. "Why?" Hermione asked. "it's just can we come in?" Harry asked. Hermione sighed. "yeah." She said opening the door more. Harry and Ron walked in and sat on the couch. "I'm hungry!" Draco yelled from upstairs. "then make us some breakfast." Hermione yelled back. Ron and Harry looked at Hermione weirdly. "Don't ask." Hermione said sitting on a chair. "Mione' we need you in our lives your our best friend we wouldnt be here without you. Talk to us, please." Ron said. "promise me something." Hermione said. "Anything." Harry responded. "Don't judge me and let me finish ok?" Hermione said. They nodded. Hermione explained everything, the rape, her parents, her feelings. She left out the cutting and Draco. When she finished harry and Ron had tears rolling down her face. "why didnt you tell us?" Harry asked. "I was scared." Hermione said wiping away her tears. "I want pancakes!" Draco shouted. Hermione started laughing. "Make them yourself." Hermione yelled. "I don't know how!" Draco shouted back. "Who is that?" Ron asked giving her a weird look. "well...he's I guess we don't really have a label for what we are." Hermione said. Harry raised his eyebrows. "I'll be right back." Hermione said. Hermione stood up and walked up stairs and jumped on the bed. "hey!" Draco said. "We have company." Hermione said. "Who?" Draco said. "Harry and Ron." Hermione said. Draco sat up in his elbows, hermione was sitting in the bed on her knees. "Why?" Draco asked. "i told them about the rape and about my parents." Hermione said. "You told them?" Draco asked. Hermione smiled and nodded. "I told them." Hermione said. Draco kissed Hermione and stood up. "I want pancakes." Draco said. "I have batter in the kitchen, I'm making pancakes." Draco said. Hermione walked down stairs with Draco behind her. When they entered the living room, Harry and Ron looked shocked. "You two want pancakes I'm making pancakes." Draco said. "Um..sure." Harry said. Draco walked into the kitchen. "Make coffee too!" Hermione shouted. "Okay!" Draco shouted back. " and Malfoy?" Ron asked. "Draco..his name is Draco Ron." Hermione said. "He seems... different." Harry said. "He is." Hermione smiled. Draco walked back into the living room. "mione' where's the strawberries we bought." Draco asked. "the bottom drawer on the right." Hermione said. "Thanks." Draco walked back into the kitchen. "You brought strawberries together...seems seriously!" Ron said wiggling his eyebrows. They all laughted. "So y'all live together." Harry said. "No we don't but he has my spare key for emergencies, which he miss uses!" Hermione raised her voice to make sure Draco heard her. They heard Draco laugh. "I didn't miss use it I told you it was a emergency." Draco said sitting his head into the room. "missing me isn't an emergency." Hermione said. "So you say." Draco said and then went back into the kitchen. Hermione looked at Harry and Ron who were smiling at her. "So how did this happen?" Hermione asked pointing at Harry and Ron. "well after the war I began staying with them. Ginny broke up with me because she has feeling for someone else, she won't say who though. Then one night I was in Ron's room, reading, yes I was reading a actual book Hermione, then Ron came in and I remember looking at him feeling something I've never felt before. It won't go away so after about a month I finally gave into my feelings and I kissed him. He kissed me back and then we started dating." Harry explained. Hermione smiled. "I'm happy for you two." Hermione said. "We are happy for you and...Draco." Ron said. Hermione smiled then a strawberries hit her in the nose. Hermione looked and saw Draco walk into the living room with plates floating behind him and a strawberry in his mouth. Draco sat beside Hermione and she took the strawberry out of his mouth and ate it. "hey! That was my strawberry." Draco said. "Here." Hermione picked up the strawberry he threw at her and put it in his mouth. Draco removed he strawberry and sat it on his place. "Theses are good, I didn't know you could cook." Ron said. "Yeah I learned after my father was arrested and I moved out of the Manor, I hate it there." Draco said. "So you cook the muggle way?" Harry asked. "Yeah I do everything the muggle way if I can." Draco said. "Did you make coffee?" Hermione asked. "Yeah." Draco said. Draco got up and walked into the kitchen. He came back with two mugs. "Y'all want some coffee?" Draco asked Harry and Ron as he handed Hermione a mug. "no thanks." Ron said. "I'll take some." Harry said. Draco went to walk back into the kitchen but Harry stopped him. "I can get it, where's the mugs?" Harry asked. "Cabinet above the coffee maker." Draco said. Harry nodded, Ron stood up and followed Harry. They walked into the kitchen leaving Hermione and Draco alone. "What do you want to do tonight?" Draco asked. "How about we watch a movie here." Hermione said. "Sounds nice " Draco said. Hermione sat her coffee on the table and rested her head on dracos shoulder. "Are you ok?" Draco asked. "Honestly yeah I am and I havent been for a long time." Hermione said. Draco smiled and kissed Hermione. Harry and Ron walked in and saw them kissing. "PG-13 please!" Harry said laughing. Hermione and Draco pulled apart blushing.
"Shut up Harry, I think it's cute." Ron said. "If they dont keep it PG-13 I won't!" Harry said. Hermione smirked and then pulled Draco into a kiss. When they pulled apart Harry was smiling. "you asked for it." Harry said as he pulled Ron into a kiss. Ron kissed back then pulled away blushing. "you saw that too right?" Draco whispered into hermiones ear. Hermione chuckled. "They are dating Draco." Hermione whispered back. Draco raised his eye brows. "Never would have thought that." Draco said. Hermione busted out laughing. "what?" Harry asked. "nothing " Hermione said. Harry and Ron sat back down and they talked to for hours. "It's getting later we should go." Harry said touching Ron's thigh. "Yeah see you tomorrow guys" Ron said. Harry and ron stood up. "Bye!" Hermione and Draco said at the same time. Harry and Ron apparted away. Leaving Hermione and Draco alone. "Now where were we before they got here, of I remember!" Draco said pulling Hermione into a kiss. Hermione returned the kiss. Then pulled away. "I want you but I can't. Will you leave me if I can't have sex with you anytime soon?" Hermione asked in a whisper. Draco pulled away and looked at Hermione. "I would never leave you for something like that. Hermione I know you can't handle that right now. And that's ok." Draco said. Hermione nodded and kissed Draco. "It's getting late you should go home."  Hermione said.  Draco nodded and stood up giving her one last kiss. "Hermione?" Draco said. "yeah?" Hermione asked. "I...l..I will see you in the morning." Draco said. 'shes not ready for the l word' Draco thought. Draco apparted away and Hermione went upstairs, changed, and got in bed. 'hogwarts tomorrow, I'm not ready.' Hermione thought before she drifted off to sleep.

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