Chapter Three // ''Chuuya help!''

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   You groaned as you got out of bed, tossing the heavy white covers on the ground. You got up relatively quickly considering you didn't get much sleep last night because you were too busy thinking about Dazai. You were also very uncomfortable. Sleeping in a giant poofy dress with tights that are suffocating your thighs? Yeah, not the best idea you ever had.




 They knocked again. ''I'm coming!!'' You yelled, annoyed. 



   They rang the doorbell once or twice just out of spite now... You opened the door quickly obviously upset, rubbing your eyes because you were quickly blinded by the sun. ''What do you want?'' You growled with venom soaked in your tone. ''Hey (Y/N)? You don't look too good. Did you sleep last night?'' Chuuya asked. ''Oh, it's you Chuuya. Come in.'' You sighed as you plopped yourself on the couch. Chuuya followed and closed the door behind him with his foot. ''Anyway, how are you, (Y/N)?'' He asked. ''hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-'' You groaned. ''Guessing not good.'' Chuuya swallowed. ''You sat up and huffed. ''It's Dazai... THIS MISSION REALLY SUCKS!'' You yelled. Chuuya laughed. ''I doubt that's the reason you didn't sleep,'' Chuuya stated. ''I bet he did something to get under your skin, right?'' You looked up at him, pale in the face. ''How did you know?'' 

   You stared at him blankly until he sat beside you on the couch. ''What did he do?'' Chuuya asked. ''Erm, h-he didn't really annoy me or make me angry...'' You glanced around. ''So he did something that you enjoyed?'' He asked. ''N-no! But- I just don't know...'' You sighed. ''Well, you never really answered my question. What did he do?'' Chuuya asked again. ''Hey uh, well-'' You stammered. ''He kissed me...'' You buried your face in your hands as Chuuya immediately started dying. He was laughing so hard he started to wheeze. ''OH (Y/N) I'M SO SORRY!'' ''Yeah, you really seem like it!'' You growled. Chuuya tried to get his act together and then he stopped laughing. ''Okay, for real, Dazai will annoy you, he will be a jerk, and I'm assuming since he kissed you, he will love you. But just keep in mind, this won't last forever. And when he annoys you, you'll learn how to ignore him.'' Chuuya said. Your eyes lit up with a little bit of hope as Chuuya just leaned against the red couch, stretching his arms behind his head, and his legs crossed. ''Y-You really think so?'' You asked. ''Ha, I know so!'' Chuuya smirked with his eyes closed. You swooped in and wrapped your arms Chuuya's waist as a hug. He was surprised by the sneak attack, so he just patted your head. ''Wait-'' you blinked a couple of times before sitting up and looking at Chuuya. 

   ''You never learned how to ignore Dazai!'' You yelled. ''Uuhh, yeah I have...'' Chuuya said as he looked away and began to whistle. ''Just the other day you got a call from him and you threw your phone across the room!'' You said. ''I-I don't know what you're talking about-'' ''YES YOU DO, CHUUYA!'' You grabbed a decorative pillow beside you and started hitting Chuuya with it. ''Hey! That hurts!'' ''WHAT DOES?? IT'S A PILLOW!'' Chuuya flinched a couple of times and blocked some of your attacks. ''THERE'S SEQUINS ON IT! THEY'RE SCRATCHING ME!'' Chuuya yelled as he got up. ''GET BACK HERE!'' you yelled as you threw a pillow at him. It ricocheted past him as he laughed in your face.  ''HA YOU MISSED!'' as he said that you threw a bigger and heavier pillow at him and it hit his face, causing him to fall to the ground. He then got up and started running down the hall. You reloaded as you grabbed tons of pillows and started bolting after him. ''CHUUYA YOU LYING SHORT- ASS GET BACK HERE!!''

 ~Time Skip~

   At some point last night you and Dazai ended up giving each other's phone numbers. You were walking the long down the long hallways of the mafia alongside Chuuya as your phone started ringing. It echoed throughout the whole hallway. ''Who is it?'' Chuuya asked. You furrowed your eyebrows as you declined the call and put it back in your pocket. ''No one.'' ''Really? Because whoever they are, they're calling again-'' Chuuya said as he pointed. ''WH- WHY!??'' you quickly reached into your pocket and declined the call again. You made sure you turned off your volume too so you couldn't hear when they called. 


  You could feel the vibration of your phone; it was silent but vibrating. You stopped walking as you picked up your phone and looked at the screen. ''I'm going to ask again, who is it?'' Chuuya asked. You glared at the screen as it was labeled ''Target'' with a picture of Dazai on it. ''It's Dazai...'' You snarled as you lifted up your tone to make it seem like you were happy to be talking to him. ''Hey Dazai!'' You said as you began walking in the other direction. Chuuya didn't wait for you and headed towards a door.

  ''Hey (Y/N)-chan!'' He said. You couldn't see him but you could tell he was smiling. ''When are you off work?'' Dazai asked. 'Right, he doesn't know I'm apart of the mafia. He thinks I'm a reporter.' You thought to yourself. ''Uh, around, 8:00...'' You hesitated. ''Oh, that's when I get out of work too! I can pick you up-'' ''NO, NO, NO!'' You interrupted him. ''I mean, no, I drove here-'' You said. ''Oh, well it's okay... Speaking of which, are you okay?'' Dazai asked. ''Y-Yeah, yeah, of course!'' You said. ''You would tell me if everything wasn't okay, right?'' You hesitated but finally answer. ''Of course.'' ''Okay, do you want to meet anywhere after work?'' He asked. ''Actually, sorry, can't.'' You said. ''Aw, really? Why?'' He asked in a sad tone. ''Yeah, I'm uh, tired...'' You said in a fake sad tone. ''Oh, well, can we get breakfast tomorrow at least?'' He asked. ''Yeah, that'd be nice.'' You smiled. Dazai immediately perked up. ''Okay great! I'll pick you up at about 6 am!'' You laughed as you continued talking and you gave him your address and other things. ''Okay, can't wait!'' Dazai smiled as you hung up.

  You held your phone in your hand once the call ended as you made a face. You quickly searched for Chuuya, hoping for some advice or something.

  You found him and he was trying to deny playing tea party with Elise without making her cry. ''L-Listen Elise-Chan, I-I can't play right now, sorry?'' Chuuya lied. ''HUMPH! I'LL JUST TELL MORI!'' She crossed her arms and pouted. ''N-NO, NO, NO, NO! I can't, really! I uh, I, well-'' He looked around for an excuse and then he saw you in the doorway. ''(Y/N)-CHAN! HELP ME OUT HERE!!'' He pleaded. ''Oh, Chuuya and I have an uh, uh mission together! Yeah, a mission. We need to go now! Sorry, Elise! Maybe next time!'' You said as you grabbed Chuuya's arm and drug him out of the room. Elise was going to threaten you too with that ''I'm telling Mori!'' but you left to fast.

  ''Thanks for saving me...'' Chuuya said slunched over. ''I saved you so now you have to save me.'' You crossed your arms and leaned against the wall. ''What?'' Chuuya then stood up straight and put his hand on his hip.  ''Well...'' You stammered. ''Yeah?'' He asked as you rubbed the scruff of your neck. ''Well uh, Dazai he Uhm, he might have asked me out on a- on a date...'' You muttered. Chuuya could barely hear you asked he asked for you to repeat it. ''We-We-We're going on a date...'' Chuuya stopped. ''WAIT, YOU AND ME?? WHO- WAIT- WHAT??!!'' Chuuya yelled. ''N-N-NO!! Me and Dazai!!'' You yelled. ''Although, that would be better-'' You then stopped and you and Chuuya stared at each other and smiled. ''Oh, so it's like that~'' He teased. ''Okay, bye.'' You then speed-walked away as Chuuya harrassed you for the rest of the day.


Okay, sorry for the slow update but thanks for being patient!

Word Count: 1369

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 // Dazai Osamu x Psycho ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now