Chapter Ten // Rescue

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   ''Are you ready?''  Kunikida asked. I was in the main office of the Armed Detective Agency while Tanizaki was holding some rope and other things we may need. ''As I'll ever be.'' I sighed.

   I led the ADA in a path that would bring us behind the Port Mafia building. ''Alright,'' I whispered. ''Go, Atsushi.'' Atsushi nodded as he muttered, ''for Dazai-san!'' before he ran away in front of the guards. 

   Atsushi would be the best man for the decoy. He was previously the man they would targeting, and even though he's not now, they still want him dead. If things did get bad, he can turn into a tiger and either fight or run away swiftly. 

   ''Okay, the guards are gone. Tanizaki, Naomi, Kyouka, Rampo come with me.'' I ordered as they followed me. 

   The rest of them still behind the building split out. Kunikida was to keep a close watch and analyze everyone and the building while everyone else kept watch out for any suspicious behavior that might mess up our plan. Naomi only came with us because she refused to leave Tanizaki's side. Kyouka was a good fighter and used to be in the mafia as well. We have Rampo to help us strategize with his glasses.

   The guards left as we sprinted to the front of the building. ''Tanizaki!'' I whispered. ''Got it.'' He unleashed his 'Light Snow' as it just looked like me grabbing Kyouka's arm walking in the building. I clocked in as Kyouka glared at me. ''What? I might as well make money out of this!'' 

  Kyouka and I waled to Mori's door. I was being gentle with Kyouka, but it looked like I was being rough. Why? We needed an excuse to get into Mori's office. If I said that Kyouka wanted to join again, without a doubt he'd open the door.

   I could feel Akutagawa's cold glance at Kyouka. Kyouka felt a little panicked but stayed strong. 




   ''N-Not now!'' Mori yelled. ''Sir, it's important,'' I replied. ''Oh, it-it's you. Dazai-Kun may cooperate if I let her in.'' Mori talked to himself. ''N-NO! D-DON'T!'' Dazai yelled at Mori. I sighed. ''Thank God he's still alive...'' I muttered. ''Come in!'' Mori welcomed.

   ''Kyouka?'' Mori was stunned. ''W-Why is she here?'' He asked. ''Why are you here?'' Dazai asked Kyouka. Dazai looked at me again. ''YOU MONSTER!'' Dazai yelled at me as Mori kicked him down. ''I-It's not like- I mean, Boss, Kyouka wanted to join the mafia again.'' My voice cracked a few times but only enough for me to notice. 

   ''Is that so?'' Mori grabbed Kyouka's arm out of my hand. ''What an honor it is for you to join us again!'' Mori welcomed manically. Kyouka muttered something uneligible. ''What's that?'' Mori asked. ''D-Demon snow!'' 

   Kyouka unleashed her ability as Rampo yelled at Tanizaki to unleash his Light Snow on Dazai and me.  ''Th-There's more of you! Was (Y/N)-Chan up to this? She couldn't be!'' Mori looked around frantically. ''Wait, where is she? And Dazai-San!'' 

  ''(Y/N)! What are you doing?'' Dazai asked as I untied him. ''No time to explain. Do you wanna be saved or not?'' I asked as he took my hand. ''C'mon! We don't have time!'' I yelled as we ran out of the room. 

  Mori, Tanizaki, Naomi, Rampo, and Kyouka were fighting. So far, Mori dodge all of the attacks as Kyouka couldn't bring herself to actually kill Mori and hurt him a couple of times. Naomi took a chair and hit Mori with it from behind him. Everyone stopped as Mori's eyes widen and turned around to face Naomi. Naomi backed up as Mori approached her, getting closer and closer. Naomi ran into the wall as Mori put one arm beside her so she had little wiggle room. ''G-Get off of me!'' She yelled as she was hyperventilating. Mori began to laugh as he took his scalpel and slowly began to cut her neck.  

   ''GET OFF OF HER!'' Tanizaki yelled as he punched Mori in the side of the face. Mori tried to push Tanizaki out of his window but Rampo prevented that. Apparently,  Mori hit Naomi's thyroid and was bleeding out badly. ''NAOMI!'' Tanizaki ran over to her and put his hand over her wound. ''No, no, no... Naomi, stay with me!'' Tanizaki was tearing up and panicking as Akutagawa entered the room.

   ''Kyouka!'' Akutagawa yelled. ''What are you doing?! You're going against us to help them?! You know doing this just makes you even more worthless!'' Akutagawa started yelling at Kyouka as she put her ability away. ''Stop it!'' She yelled back. Chuuya was well aware of what was going on bu the didn't think it would backfire this bad. Chuuya thought he had to step in, but how?

   ''Akutagawa!! She's 14, you can't say that!'' Chuuya couldn't believe what he was saying. He didn't care what he said. Akutagawa just looked confused. ''Wh-What? When did you care?'' Akutagawa asked as he coughed. ''Uhm, well, uh- AAAAAAAAAAAA'' Chuuya didn't know what to say so he just ran up to Akutagawa and kicked him. So Akutagawa and Chuuya were fighting, Mori and Rampo were also fighting, Tanizaki was with Naomi, and Dazai and I finally made it to the roof. 

  ''What are we doing!?'' Dazai yelled at me. ''I'm saving you!'' I yelled back. ''How??? And why?? This was so dangerous!'' Dazai yelled. ''Let alone you don't love me! You also risked your job and the life of the ADA!'' Dazai yelled. ''This was completely stupid!'' He yelled. ''See that tarp? Jump down.'' I completely ignored Dazai's response. ''Jump? Are you kidding? We'll die from a height like this!'' Dazai yelled. ''No, the ADA holding the tarp. We'll be fine. Plus if we do, won't you be glad?'' I pushed Dazai off the building as he screamed. As I said, they caught him and he was alive. ''Hurry and move! (Y/N) needs to jump still!'' Kunikida yelled. Dazai got off as I jumped. I swear, my heart didn't beat for that whole drop. It was horrifying. 

   Chuuya still wresting Akutagawa, saw me and Dazai jump off the building from Mori's windows. ''Everyone! To the roof!'' Chuuya yelled at the ADA. Tanizaki held Naomi in his arms as Kyouka and Rampo ran to the roof. Tanizaki knew there was no way that Naomi could make that jump off the building, so he used his Light Snow and snuck out the building.

   We all ran out to the rendezvous point. Atsushi came back from chasing the guards as everyone looked around and hugged Dazai. Everyone but me of course.  ''Yay! Dazai-Kun, we were so worried about you!'' Kenji and Atsushi smiled together. ''Yeah, maybe we should get a drink after this.'' Yosano offered. ''Who's idea was it to save me? I only ask because it's not like us to trust an enemy.'' Dazai glared at me. I was leaning against a tree with my arms cross. ''It was mine actually. A thank you would be nice.'' I snarled back at him. Everyone was silent as they could see the rage in both of us. We weren't being savage with our argument, but it was worse with how enraged we were.

  Dazai was going to say something, but Kunikida spoke up. ''Hate to ruin the moment, but erm, where's Tanizaki and Naomi?'' Kunikida huffed wanting to get the argument over. Everyone shrugged and looked around. ''We don't know,'' Yosano spoke up. 

   ''HELP, PLEASE, (Y/N)! YOU-YOU SAID YOU KNEW SOMEONE! NAOMI'S HURT! HURT BAD!'' Tanizaki ran up to everyone, Naomi in hand. 


Word Count: 1270 Words

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 // Dazai Osamu x Psycho ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now