Chapter Five // Local

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   ''Get in there.'' You tossed Daiki on the cold cement ground. ''MMH! NGH MH!!'' Daiki was trying to talk but he could say anything because of the gag. You threw him against a post in the middle of the room with chains and shackles. The room was dungeon-like, the exact one Chuuya and Dazai had a fight in. Roughly chaining him up, you removed the gag from Daiki's mouth.

  ''PTTF!'' Daiki spit out and immediately complained. ''EW! That was disgusting!! What are you going to do with me anyways? You don't know who you're messing with!'' Daiki tried to sound intimidating. You could hear a loud gulp from Daiki. ''You're- You're not going to do anything, kinky, with me, right??''


  You cocked a gun and pointed it at Daiki. Swish. Twist. Pow. Daiki flinched as the flashy bullet ricocheted past him, hitting the wall, making a deep, small hole. His eyes were still closed and he was petrified as you walked closer and put your leg beside his head. A dent formed against the wall as you rubbed your foot deeper. Jing. The shackles rattled. You grabbed his chin and smirked. ''Heh, you talk a lot Daiki... We could change that, or, I could do something else~~'' You whispered seductively. You seem to get a kick out of messing with peoples' emotions. 

  ''..Wh-Wha-What are y-you going to do-do to me??'' Daiki trembled. ''Hmmm... I don't know... Maybe, just maybe, I might throw you against this curve right here and, y'know, break your jaw and shoot you!'' You smiled. ''Just about it is really... exciting!!!~'' 

  Slowly, you took a scalpel of a little table you put out. Scrape. Scraping and screeching against the metal plate there made a horrid sound. You sat down by Daiki's feet, immediately stabbing him in the ankle suddenly. You laughed as your eyes grew wider. ''AAAA! SHH, YOU-YOU PHYSCO BITCH! LET ME OUT!!'' Daiki cried, struggling to move his one leg because it hurt too much. ''What did you say to me?'' You asked quietly. He heard you as you began to take it and trace it up to his thigh, circling around your next target. You stabbed threw his dirty jeans to make a huge bloody gash. "AAAAAGGHH! NNNGHH!" Daiki started to cry as you watched and laughed at his agony. "Haha, haha, HAHAHA! What seems to be wrong, dear?" You asked, leaning in. "Does this-" you twisted the scalpel in his thigh, maneuvering his mussels. "HURT TO MUCH?!" You smiled. "O-O-OKAY!! What-what do you want??" Daiki sobbed. "I'll-I'll- I'll stop! I'll stop everything! I'll leave my group, I won't say anything about the mafia or you in general! I won't talk about what happened now! I-I-I'll try to change my attitude! If you really want me dead, I'll kill myself! Please just stop hurting me-" Daiki whimpered. You sharply removed the scalpel causing even more pain than when it was in there. "OWW!!" You dropped the scalpel beside him. "Are-Are you actually going to stop?" Daiki looked sorrowful, glossy eyes with eye bags already. He looked beat up and tense with sweat rolling down his now moist face. Tears and tear paths were visible. Panting and disparate, he still needed an answer. "Oh Daiki-San, I'm-I'm sorry for doing this to you..." You crawled up and rubbed the side of his face before laughing again.

   You rubbed the side of his face and forced open his jaw, hearing it crack. You tore out each tooth roughly. Digging your razor-sharp nails into his gums and yanking them out as blood rushed down from his mouth. "Remember when I said you had a big mouth?" You ran over and grabbed scissors and a butcher knife and came back to his face. Snipping off his tongue with normal day-to-day scissors made it worse in pain. Blood could not stay in his mouth. It rushed everywhere. You grabbed the knife once more and sliced off his lips.

   Somehow, Daiki managed to talk. "Mmhmghmm! Please let me out!!" He cried. You walked over there and tightened the shackles to where it was making his wrists red and sore. 
   You grabbed the scalpel again and sliced open his stomach. Blood poured out. You removed each organ carefully to make sure he lived the longest, making each second more painful than the last. 
   Daiki passed within 30 minutes of the done procedure. His organs covered the room as you were drenched in blood. The room still had the horrible stench of the dead as if someone had taken and sprayed a stunk in here. Taking his body away, you cleaned up the mess and yourself like nothing ever happened.
~Time Skip~
  "(Y-Y-Y/N)-CHAN!!" Chuuya ran towards you in a hurry and panting. "Oh, Chuuya!" You hugged him as he huffed and puffed. "I was starting to worry about you! I haven't seen you since I started with-" Chuuya then grabbed your hand. "Daiki... Chuuya is everything okay??" He shook his head. "Is-Is he dead?" He asked in a stern voice. "Uhm, yeah." You answered. "Good, turns out, he knew about all your crimes. He knew about everything we've done in the mafia! He even had proof!!" Chuuya yelled. You gulped. "You were the only one that wasn't in the paper. No one knew about you." You blinked a couple of times. "What-What do you mean??" You asked desperately. "You're on the wanted list. The police are already looking for you and so is SWAT..." Chuuya muttered emotionless. "That's-This-This is fine!! We can- we can make a disguise for me! Yeah, a disguise! Akutagawa has one, so, that means I can have one, right?" You asked panicked. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan, I don't know what to do. There's no way we can make a disguise that well in less then a week if they find you then." Chuuya whimpered. "We can fight them off!" You yelled. "I mean, we can and everyone in the mafia has committed crimes before but I'm afraid we can't. It would put more visablity to our names, especially Akutagawa's." "We-We have to tell Mori! The boss will know what to do!" You ran off and Chuuya grabbed your hand. "No." He said sternly again. "Why??" You asked. "What will Elise-chan say?" You jerked your hand back. "Really?! My life is on the line and you're worried an 8-year-old will bully you??!" You snapped back. "IT'S NOT THAT!" Chuuya yelled. "Elise will whine. It seems far fetched but that will make finding you a whole lot easier!! And what will Mori do? That's right, nothing! Nothing to help us and just be mad! Look, (Y/N), I don't like this any more than you do but the situation's helpless!" Chuuya began to cry and so did you. He came in as you two hugged. "There's nothing I can do. I can try to protect you but you mostly have to do this by yourself-" he hugged. "Why did this happen to only me if he knew information on all of us?" You asked. "I have a feeling things are only going to get worse and more dangerous is coming. He was after you specifically."
                                                                   ~ ❀ ❀ ❀~
                                                             Word Count: 1232

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 // Dazai Osamu x Psycho ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now