Boss #1

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Eren never claimed that he was good at his job, or that he never made mistakes. Of course he sometimes messed up. He had held this internship for about 3 days, and hell, he had only been in the city for about 2 weeks total.

Snatching up the coffee cups and shoving money into the barista's hand with a rushed "Keep the change.", Eren shot out of the Starbucks. Hanji seemed like a patient person, but he had also been gone for an hour longer than planned (he blamed the layout of this city, which seemed to rely less on a grid and more on roads that curved wherever the hell they felt like). Juggling the iced coffees, he reached down to check his phone, hoping there weren't any impatient texts from his boss.

As he fumbled with the small piece of crap he called a cellphone, struggling to connect the dots in the right order, (who the hell decided that that was a good way to lock your phone?) he missed the crack in the pavement ahead. Before he even had enough time to react, the toe of his shoe caught and consequently sending him toppling over.

Onto another person.

The iced coffees burst open as they hit the ground, covering the two men in over-priced beverage. Eren groaned as he scooted off the other man, rubbing the back of his head. "Aw, shit, I'm sorry-"

He cut himself off when he saw the other man's glare. If looks could kill, Eren was pretty sure he'd be dead a thousand times over. "U-Uh..." he stuttered. The other rolled his eyes, picking himself up off the ground.

"Watch where you're going, brat." he sent one more dark look towards Eren, before stalking off and never looking back.

Eren frowned, hoping that not everyone in this city was like that. Dusting himself off, he dashed back off towards his car. How was he going to explain this?


Another 20 minutes of driving around completely lost (he really needed a GPS in here), and Eren finally made it back to the company building. Hanji hadn't sent any texts, but that didn't mean he was off scott-free.

The building wasn't the biggest around - but it wasn't small either. At least 10 stories tall, the glass panes around it gave a modern look that seemed fitting for a travel company. Despite that, however, it didn't stand out and Eren still had a habit of sometimes accidentally passing by the building. The only thing that identified the building was a small sign above the door:


As soon as he entered through the door, he noticed that something was off. The atmosphere was tenser, seeming to thicken the farther into the building he went. And was it just him, or was the place practically sparkling clean?

He entered the elevator, deciding to brush it off as he pressed the button for the top floor. Eren was probably just nervous about being late. The place definitely did have an undeniably cleaner scent to it, though...

Finally reaching it's destination, the elevator door dinged open to an amused-looking Hanji sitting a few feet away at her desk. She glanced up at the noise, eyes lighting up at the sight of the boy.

"Oh, Eren! You made it back!" she clapped her hands together. "Good, good, come over here! There's someone I want you to meet."

Shuffling over to her desk sheepishly, he scratched the back of his head. "I kind of, uh, messed up and spilt the coffees, but I'll pay for them out of my own pocket so-"

"Huh?" she cocked her head in confusion, before waving it off. "Oh! Don't worry about it, it's fine." she scanned him, pausing and frowning at the stains on his shirt. "What happened there?"

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