Year to Date

79 4 5

Home is where the heart is.

And home is where Rivaille is sitting when Eren pulls up, warm coffee and River by his side as he reads on the porch. Pulling the keys out of the ignition as fast as he could, Eren flung himself at Rivaille, nearly knocking the man backwards.

"Eurf-" huffing, Rivaille pushed back to pry the smaller man off of himself. "Did you get everything out of the dorm room?"

"It's not like I had that much shit accumulated." he grinned languidly, burying his face in the crook of Rivaille's neck. "It's all in the trunk and the backseat." he pulled his head back ever-so-slightly, huffing lightly on his skin. "Can't it wait until later?"

Rivaille shoved Eren off of his lap, sending him a flat look as he stood up. "No."


"Because we have somewhere to be later-" he cut off midsentence, eyes flickering upward to the door. Eren followed his gaze to see a short blonde leaning against the frame, sharp eyes leveling a flat gaze upon them.

"Did I interrupt something?"

Rivaille clicked his tongue, sparing a glance at Eren's confused expression before turning back toward the other. "No. Annie, can you help us unload all this?"


Eren gaped at the girl in recognition as she brushed past him, eyebrows knit together in confusion. But wasn't that name- Then what was she-?

"Eren, stop staring and get over here. She's taken and so are you."

Eren blinked, noticing the way Annie turned away immediately at the remark, a ghost of an amused smile on her face. Scowling, he marched over and took a box from Rivaille's hands. "Are you at least going to, I don't know, introduce me?"

Rivaille cleared his throat. "Sure. Annie, this is my brat of a boyfriend Eren. Eren, this is my new assistant and also your sister's brat of a girlfriend."

"You're brattier than I am." she said, pulling two suitcases out of the trunk easily and heading toward the house. Eren's eyes flicked between Rivaille and her retreating figure with a frown.

"Your new assistant? You didn't tell me that- wait, why is she here?"

"Because I required her assistance." Rivaille rolled his eyes, "You're acting like I betrayed you or something." he dropped another box onto the one Eren was holding, forcing Eren to crane his head to the side to see around it. "You honestly thought I wouldn't get another assistant? Hurry up and go before you drop all that shit."

Eren exhaled, sending Rivaille a dirty look before going to dump the boxes into the house. He sighed as he released them, glancing up just as Annie passed by him to go back outside. He bit his lip, frowning slightly. "Hey, Annie-"

She paused at her name, turning around expectantly. Eren swallowed. "Uh..."

"Thank God you're back" Annie muttered


"He's missed you, Rivaille, I mean. Talks about you all the time. Most of the time it's just comparing stupid things like 'Eren wouldn't have made two trips to do that' or 'Eren didn't need a step stool just to make lunch'"

She glared at the door down the hall, before swishing back to face Eren

"It's really fucking annoying and I'm glad you're finally here so he'll stop." she tucked a piece of blonde hair behind her ear, blue eyes looking completely focused.

"….It's nice to see you too?"

"She nodded, moving to turn around before pausing again."Mikasa misses you, too."

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