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Eren wasn't sure what he had expected, but this was much better than he thought.

He trailed Rivaille's car all the way from the office to a small suburb just outside of the city, until he finally pulled into the drive-way. Eren pulled up beside him, staring at the house in amazement.

It wasn't exceptionally large, but it was gorgeous. The grass was perfectly trimmed, along with the outside bushes that lined the front of the house. It had a very clean feeling to it - the complete opposite of his old run-down apartment complex.

He continued to stare at the house, his eyes moving over every single aspect of it before he caught Rivaille glaring at him from the porch. Grabbing the plastic sack containing his toothbrush (and a few other necessities Mikasa demanded he buy) he exited his car, moving towards his boss.

"Wow. This place is... Really nice."

Rivaille "hmph'd" in response, unlocking the door and stepping inside with Eren behind him. "This is the entryway. Kick your shoes off over there." he said, doing exactly that himself. Eren followed suit. "If you track dirt in here, you're vacuuming it up."

He moved forward, exiting the entrance to a larger room. "This is the living room. If you turn left there's a hallway- The first room on the right's the bathroom, the second is my room. Your room is the first on the left. The second on the left is my study. Don't go in there."

Eren nodded. "What's that room over there?" he pointed towards an entryway across from the hallway entrance. Rivaille followed his gaze.

"Oh, that's the kitchen. I don't-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Eren was making his way across the living room to check it out. Rivaille followed him, confused by his enthusiasm.

"Wow..." Eren stopped abruptly as he entered the kitchen, almost causing Rivaille to run smack into him. "All this stuff looks so new. Don't you ever cook?" He walked closer to the stove, running his hand over the smooth glasstop surface.

"No." Rivaille crossed his arms. "I don't have time to cook, especially when I'm just cooking for myself."

Eren looked scandalized. "You mean you have all this room and equipment and you don't ever cook? Do you eat? How do you live?"

"I eat some fruit?" Rivaille scoffed. "Or TV dinners work just as well. If I'm feeling particularly healthy I might make myself a salad. I haven't touched that thing in months." he pointed at the frying pan Eren had in his hands, testing out its weight. Eren sent him a shocked look.

"You're going to die of a heart attack. I wish I had had this much space to cook in my old apartment..." he moved around, opening up the refrigerator to peek inside. Rivaille raised an eyebrow.

"Worry about yourself, brat. You know how to cook? I don't care what you do in here as long as you clean up after."

The look he received in turn made Rivaille avert his gaze. He couldn't even recall the last time someone had smiled at him like that-

"You don't have any ingredients."

Rivaille glanced back up, giving him a flat look. "Of course I don't. Why would I keep food around if it would only sit in the fridge and mold?"

Eren's eyebrows furrowed as he continued to stare at him, head poking out from behind the open refrigerator door.

"I can't make meals without ingredients."

Rivaille stared at him, long and hard. Eren's face didn't move a muscle as he stared back, not willing to back down. Finally, Rivaille let out a long sigh.

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