Point of Contact

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And so began the most painfully wonderful week of Eren's life.

Eren quickly found out it was a very bad idea to start this war with Rivaille. But at the same time, it just wasn't an option to back down anymore. He was almost positive the two of them were weirding out the other employees. Between the snickers the two got whenever they were anywhere close to each other, and the bits and pieces Eren caught of their hushed whispers, he was able to figure out exactly what they were betting on.

He didn't know what was more insulting: the fact that they were taking bets on his sex life at all or the fact that there were more bets on the losing side.

He chose to ignore it. Unfortunately, he couldn't ignore everything that was going on in the office. That Thursday Rivaille had announced a "casual-wear Friday", which sounded innocent enough-

Until Rivaille strutted out of the house in the tightest pair of jeans Eren had ever seen in his life.

But it didn't end there, because Eren was stubborn. It wasn't a completely lost war, anyway - Eren had his wins too. Far more subtle though they were thanks to Rivaille's excellent poker face, he seemed to have a weak spot for off-hand comments and innuendos.

The only way you could tell was by the way he averted his gaze, and if Eren was lucky, smiled just the smallest bit.

He was torn. Part of him wanted to demand that they end this right now because he wasn't sure how much more he could take, and the other part of him wanted to continue this until Rivaille was the one who broke first.

Going at this rate, though, that would be a long, long time.

He tongued at the empty plastic water bottle that he was too lazy to throw away as they sat on the dark leather couch in the living room together, Rivaille watching him idly. He looked bored as ever.

Dammit, why didn't these things ever seem to faze him? Eren angrily bit down on the plastic. Rivaille made a face and turned away.

Oh. Maybe he was watching a little closer than he thought.

"By the way. I'm going out tonight, so don't throw any massive parties." Rivaille said, leaning forward. Eren sent him a surprised look.

"Going out? Where?"

"To a place where little kids can't come." he replied, sending Eren an annoyed look. "I'll be back in a couple of hours."

Eren shrugged, turning back toward the TV. It wasn't any of his business what Rivaille did in his spare time. As a matter of fact, that went both ways. Maybe he'd go out, too! He was sure Armin wouldn't mind him stopping by. It'd been awhile since the two of them hung out, Mikasa excluded. He could go for a little bro-time.

He barely glanced up as Rivaille left the house, shutting the door behind him. Grabbing his phone from the side-table, he picked himself up off the couch and headed toward the door himself.


"You're such a priss. Drinking wine at a bar!" Hanji mocked Rivaille affectionately as she took another swig of her beer. He rolled his eyes, ignoring the jazzy music playing in the background. As much as he enjoyed this bar for the laid back atmosphere and lack of obnoxious kids, the music was almost intolerable.

"More like cultured."

Even the blond man seated next to Hanji looked rather amused at the other man's drink choice. Hanji's eyes flicked from the wine, to Levi, to finally grin at the blond.

"So, Irvin, have you heard about Rivaille's room-mate?" She smirked at the two from across the round table. "Just thought maybe you'd like to be caught up on what all has happened."

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