Month Ending

113 4 1

- Two months and one week remaining

Eren was freaking out.

Freaking out because he was in bed, nothing but boxers on, and it was physically impossible for him to be pressed any closer against Rivaille without some form of copulation going on.

There could be worse things to be worried about. In the back of his mind, some part of him was acknowledging this. However...

His memory of last night was blurry. He had a few specific memories - exchanging those Big Three Words (I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too, Eren was glad he at least remembered that so he could replay it in his mind), the drinking game, the confessions that came with the drinking game, falling asleep in the kitchen in Rivaille's arms.

But he was almost certain that there was a conversation that he couldn't quite bring to the front of his mind, like it was nagging at him from his subconscious.

What bothered him the most though was that he had no fucking clue how he got in Rivaille's bed. Did he carry Eren here? Did Eren slip in after Rivaille fell asleep? Did they have mind-blowing make-up sex and Eren couldn't even remember it?

He shifted slightly, daring to sit up. No, he'd be more sore this morning if that were the case. Unless-he did remember a conversation about him topping last night-!

"What kind of fucking expression is that?"

Rivaille's voice came from the right side of the bed, jerking Eren out of his train of thought. He met the other man's unamused stare before trailing down, noticing that Rivaille was still fully dressed. He frowned.

"Why am I almost-naked?"

Rivaille shrugged out of his pajamas, pulling on his outfit that was already neatly laid out. Eren almost laughed at how meticulous the man was, even when drunk. The other scoffed.

"You tell me." he said, pulling his pants off and ignoring the way Eren was blatantly ogling him. "You're the one stripping in your sleep. Remind me to not let you fall asleep when you're drunk, by the way. You're even more restless than when you're sober."

Eren's gaze dropped down to his hands, curled up in his lap on the bed. "Oh. So we didn't-you know... Do anything?"

Rivaille paused as he pulled his pants up, turning around to stare flatly at the younger.

"What are you, twelve?" he sighed, before adding, "No, we didn't "do anything". Do you not remember at all?"

Eren didn't miss the hint of upset in his voice, the way it raised just a tiny bit, hidden under layers of indifference. He shook his head vigorously, quickly trying to backtrack.

"No, no, no! I remember! Almost all of it, I think, anyway." Rivaille simply stared at him, so Eren continued, "I remember... The drinking game, finding out stuff about you, saying- saying- you know. And then falling asleep. In your arms."

The older still looked skeptical. "And between the I love yous and the drooling on me like an overgrown baby?"

Eren paled.

"There was something between that?"

Clicking his tongue as he watched Eren sink into himself, Rivaille leaned closer toward him. "I think a promise is still a promise, right?"

Before Eren could reply, Rivaille's lips were on his neck. Pushing Eren gently backward onto the bed, he laced their fingers together and pressed slow, sweet kisses across the tanner skin.

"What's gotten into you?" Eren whispered, letting out a content sigh when Rivaille brushed his teeth over his clavicle. Turning his head to the side to give his lover better access, his eyes landed on the clock sitting atop the nightstand.

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