Overcome by Events

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(A/N: If you came into this fanfic not expecting some sort of office sex, I'm not sure what to tell you... Dumb ass.)

They hadn't been home for ten minutes before Rivaille was on top of Eren, shoving him backward onto the mattress.

"Can I at least take off my shoe-" Eren's weak protest was muffled by Rivaille's lips on his. Hands steady at work to unbutton his shirt, he pulled away only to toss their tops off to the side of the bed somewhere.

Shifting off of Eren to remove his pants, Eren followed suit. He finally managed to slip his shoes off when Rivaille pounced on him again, fisting a hand in his hair and biting Eren's earlobe.

"Ngh-" Damn, that was his weak spot. "W-Wait a second."

Rivaille pulled back again to give him an irritated look. "What?"

Frowning at the tone of his voice, Eren squirmed under Rivaille's gaze. "Er, well we just got home, and, can't we pace ourselves a little bit?"

He regretted the words as soon as he said them. The look on Rivaille's face revealed nothing, which was almost worst than if he had rolled his eyes and called him stupid.

"I sucked your dick earlier and you think we're going too fast?" a hint of annoyance flashed through his eyes. Eren looked away and shrugged. With a sigh, Rivaille placed his hands on both sides of Eren's head and leaned down.

This kiss was different from the others that they had shared.

Rivaille's lips moved gently against Eren's, swiping his tongue over the bottom to coax him into opening his mouth. Eren did so on instinct, closing his eyes as teeth very lightly grazed over the spot where Rivaille had bit him earlier. Eren savored the kiss, noting a bit smugly that he tasted suspiciously like the artichoke-cheese sandwiches from earlier.

And he thought Rivaille was the only one to not try them.

Eren was the one to pull away this time, short of breath and panting. "O-Okay."

"You good now?"

"I'm good."

Rivaille moved again, feeling Eren's muscles tighten when he dragged his tongue down the younger's chest. Eren gripped the sheets roughly, shaking with effort to hold back the noises attempting to escape his mouth. His boss sighed.

"We're not at the office anymore, you know. You can moan if you want."

Eren's retort ended up lodged in his throat as Rivaille snaked his hand down to palm Eren through his boxers.

"Ahhn- fucking tease..." he pulled his knee up to rub against Rivaille's crotch as quick payback, relishing in the guttural noise that slipped out of the other man's mouth. Rivaille quickly pushed his leg back down, straddling Eren's hips and grinding.

Both men hissed, Eren letting out a moan. "J-Just hurry up and put it in." he snapped, squirming and desperate for friction. Rivaille snorted.

"Since when do bosses take orders from their employees?" he asked, reaching over to the bedside nightstand for the lube despite his words. Eren whined under him as Rivaille pulled his boxers down, slipping his own off alongside them.

Watching Rivaille squirt the contents of the bottle into his hand, Eren looked away. Rivaille noticed this, leaning forward as he inserted a finger into Eren. His face was just above Eren's, breath ticking his lips. "Don't get shy now, shitty brat."

"I-I'm not!" Eren protested, making a face as Rivaille pressed another finger into him. Using his free hand, Rivaille swept away the bangs clinging to the boy's forehead.

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