Chapter 1

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Hello Everyone!

It's finally here! The second book of the trilogy! AAAAAAAAAAAAA I stayed up all night editing this(and a few other books which will be posted soon ;) )! XD

Love ya guys and I hope you enjoy it as much as the first book! ;P

Yours Truly,



Sabre was talking with Yellow Steve when Nathan suddenly threw open the doors. "Really Nathan! You could have at least knocked. I'm still tired from my battle with Nightmare Steve last week!" Nathan rolled his eyes and grabbed Sabre's arm, "You've been in your room since last week! You need to get out more!" Sabre sighed and let him be dragged out of his room. Nathan hummed as they walked down the hallway. "So, how have you been doing?" Sabre asked since Nathan had been gone exploring for three days. "Really well! I found a ton of supplies and something else. I think you will really like the other thing though."

"What did you find?" Nathan laughed, "It's a surprise Sabre, I can't tell you. Though... The instant I left you just locked yourself in your room again. Don't try to deny it because Dark Steve told me." Sabre nervously chuckled and Yellow Steve smirked as the two argued. "Oh come on, I was tired!" "That's what you said the last hundred times!" "He does have a point y'know. You should go outside more often even if you are tired or just lazy and talking to me." Sabre glared at Yellow Steve. "I am not lazy! And why are you taking his side!" Nathan realizing what had happened smiled, "Ha! Two against one! I win! But you really do need to get out more."

"You are not my mother!" Sabre yelled and both Nathan and yellow Steve glared at him and then started laughing. Seeing he had been beaten, Sabre shrunk down and followed the two in silence. Nathan was practically bouncing now. "Why are you so excited? Now I really am curious as to what this surprises is." "Oh, I bet you are! Trust me you are going to be so surprised!" Sabre raised an eyebrow and continued following them.

They got to the door leading outside and Nathan stopped. "Are you absolutely sure you want to see the surprise, because once you do there is no going back." Sabre was now a little nervous because of how he was acting but nodded, "I guess so."  Nathan took that as a yes and threw open the doors to reveal one of the last things Sabre had been expecting to see. "Red Steve!?"


Lucas couldn't understand why everything had to go wrong. This was the third attempt and it still hadn't worked at all. He pulled the lever and the machine turned on. The air hummed with power and electricity and then nothing. "Why won't this stupid machine work!?" Lucas yelled in frustration. For the past four days Lucas had been doing nothing except trying to restore Spencer's voice, but so far nothing had worked. He punched the wall of the Steve Temple and got back to work.

Blue Steve watched him from the temple, since he mostly liked to hangout there. When he had been released from the machine five days ago he had been expecting to see happy and joyful Sabre, not a grumpy and angry Lucas. It been a shock for both of them and he didn't know where Red Steve or Green Steve had disappeared to, since Lucas wouldn't tell him and nobody else seemed to know. The others were nice and he felt bad for Spencer but there wasn't much he could do. So until either he was needed or the machine that had held him was fixed then he would stay here where he felt safe.

Blue Steve looked over to his right as someone sat next him. "Hey Blue Steve! I hope you're doing okay! Everyone's a bit sad and Light Steve is out searching for Red Steve with Mogi, so I just needed someone a bit more cheerful to talk to..." Blue Steve smiled and nodded at Rainbow Steve, "Don't worry Rainbow Steve, I know how you feel. This isn't exactly what I was expecting to wake up to... I hope Sabre is okay and that we find him soon."  Rainbows Steve sighed, "You and me both."


Green Steve had had enough! For the past three weeks now Lucas hadn't  come to visit and this evil looking glitch thing kept appearing. It hadn't tried to harm him yet but Green Steve didn't even know if the thing knew he was there. Whenever it would appear it would just build random things with blocks, although really it just weirdly stacked them into random things. It was starting to show up more and more, almost every day and only Lucas would know what to do!? He was afraid that this thing would show up one day and before he could hide it would kill him.

So, Green Steve had finally decided that it was finally time for him to return to the Rainbow Town. Unfortunately that meant he would have to see the red eyed monster that had chased him here, but that seamed like a better option than the red eyed monster already here. He had reconstructed the redstone and fixed any broken parts of the machine that Sabre had used with Rainbow Steve to get here. He quickly checked around outside and didn't see that thing around so he went back to the basement. He stepped into the machine and got ready to pull the lever but before he could glass panels were placed blocking him in. The glitchy looking red eyed monster suddenly appeared right behind the lever and waved at him, smiling with sharp white teeth. "Toodles!" It said before laughing and pulling the lever. It disappeared as lightening started to strike and Green Steve's vision faded to black as he disappeared also.

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