A Night to Remember

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You're chilling in your dorms bored as shit on a school night as usual until you go on your computer and find out there's a concert at the old mill and not just that, the band playing is firewall, so you text your best friend Violet.

You- Hey Vi u hear there's a concert at that old mill?

Victory Violet- For real who's playin?

You- Firewalk


You- Nope

Victory Violet- WE GOTTA FUCKING GO!!!

You- What about the security? How we gonna escape these damn dorms?

Victory Violet- They don't call me Victory Violet for nothing u know?

You- I'm like the only person who's called u that on this earth Vi

Victory Violet- Fuck u dude

You- What's the plan than Victory Vi?

Victory Violet- Didn't think of 1 yet

You- Dammit, this is why I have no faith in you

You sneak out your window and head to the girls dorms while waiting for Violet to escape her dorm room

You- I'm waiting victory vi where u at?

Victory Violet- One sec dammit

You hear something then look up and see Violet practically falling out oh her window

Y/N: I think my life is complete... This is comedy gold

Violet: Just shut up and help me!

You get Violet down and you two finally get to the mill and I try to go inside

Bouncer: ID kid

Y/N: Oh yeah... Uhh here, dude

Bouncer: Second fake in a night

Y/N: Come on, man

Bouncer: I can't let you in kid... Better go

Y/N: Can my good friend Andrew Jackson get me in?

You say waving around a twenty dollar bill in his face

Bouncer: I don't take bribes kid

You sigh relenting

Y/N: Okay now I got to pull out the big guns... Was gonna use this to buy some weed but fuck it

Bouncer: Oh and whats that?

Violet: Let's just go, Y/N... He isn't gonna let us in

Y/N: No screw that!

You pull out a one-hundred bill you lifted off Louis or stole

Y/N: What about my other good friend Benjamin Franklin?

He laughs at your attempt

Bouncer: You're funny kid... You two can go in

Y/N: Oh I'm so funny you don't want the money you're saying right?

Bouncer: Good joke kid (takes 100 dollar bill out of your hand)

Y/N: Dammit... You win some you lose some

Violet: At least we're finally gonna see fucking Firewalk

Y/N: I don't have any money for beers Violet

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