Long Way to Fall

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After getting home late you lay in bed exhausted after today, Max has superpowers and now, a storm is going to destroy the Bay, after that crazy day, getting a gun pulled on you, a brick to the head, seeing Chloe again after so long, it's makes it so hard thinking how you've gotten here, selling drugs on the side to pay off some debts, helping Rachel's mom didn't help you, after Damon's death there was a void in the Bay the big dealer was gone with only Frank left behind to take his place, and the guy above Damon wasn't too happy about that either it seemed, that's why Frank went up to Damon's position and you became the local street dealer, shorty after you began to get your life back on track

Y/N: Heard you were looking for me jackass?

Frank and another man with a half-burnt and mangled face stand beside him

Dwight: Not fucking me dumbass... It's him

Y/N: Huh?

Suddenly someone steps past a corner covered by the dark, the moon barely illuminates his eyes, but he was a taller figure above six feet and bulky

!?: That's not very fucking kind, jackass? I should fucking beat you to death where you goddamn stand

Y/N: What the shit is this about?

!?: You're about to find out real soon, fuck yeah you are! It's simple really you don't fucking mess with the criminal order, you fuck it up and it all goes to fucking shit... And you most-motherfucking-certainly fucked it up, so now you're gonna be working for me, I know that's a mighty fucking hard pill to swallow but swallow you most certainly motherfucking will, you probably thought you owned this shithole town after killing Damon, ruled the roast, fuck yeah you did, but that's going to begin to change, that time is over now...

Y/N: Are you fucking kidding me? I work for you? Give me a break, if you wanna kill me get it done with already

He steps out from the darkness, with black slicked-back hair, clean shaved, a black leather jacket, and carrying some bat behind him

Negan: I'm sorry, I don't think I motherfucking introduced myself, the name's Negan... And you killed my fucking guy and you'll pay for that, but I'm not gonna kill you unless you make me, actually in fact if you don't do what I say, I won't even kill you...

Y/N: Stupid way of doing business

Negan: I fucking think so too, so that's why if you don't listen to me, I'm gonna kill one of those friends... Might have to make it a show, so you can watch it, as I beat the holy fucking, fuckidy fuck out of them... Their fucking brains will be splattered all over the floors and the walls, but that's just to show you that I mean business... Could even have Dwighty boy hold you down well I put an iron to your fucking face, I bet you've seen his face, right? Well just understand that could be you if you refuse to play your cards right

Half of his face was burned off to the flesh, he avoided eye contact with you or Negan once the man pointed it out

Negan: Oh I'm sure you see that real fucking well, and that's what can happen when you don't listen... Don't be like him and listen otherwise all your friends might just end up fucking die and you work for me anyway

Y/N: How did you know about Damon?

Negan: Well as it turns out you're not as cold-hearted as you'd like to fucking pretend, 'cause you went straight to the police station and made your confession... The only problem is Frank here, he told me about this and we moved the body, you had the fucking narcs searching for nothing out there, that's what I've been told you yelped to the fucking police

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