The Blue and The Gold [2]

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{Silver's POV}

I was staring at the clock, my foot tapping, and Jayden paced next to me, while Mike and Emily watched, as he did. "Nothing from the patio."

Mia reported from the patio.

I watched as the clock flipped to 8:00, and I sighed. "Kevin would never be a minute late from his morning run."

I said. "He would never be this late from his morning run either." Jayden pointed out.

"He's always here by 8:00 am sharp for practice. He would have at least called." Jayden said.

The clock flipped to 8:01 A.M, and I sighed, and looked at Jayden, who nod at me.

"Okay, enough waiting. It's time to take action." Jayden and I said, and we looked at each other. "Sorry."

I said, and we shook our heads, and ran off with the others. I ran off with the rest, and Jayden ran ahead.

"Blazing Strike!" Jayden shouted, and lightning erupted from his sword, and went into the Nighlok, and it backed.

"Whoa!" Antonio said. "Huh?"

Kevin asked, and they looked to see us, and I was holding my staff next to the others.

"Wow, you showed up." Kevin said, and I swung my staff up to the ready position I always used. "Red Ranger? Silver Ranger?" Octoroo said.

"Kevin, Antonio." Emily said.

"You guys okay?" Mia asked.

"We're fantastico now. We're sure glad to see you guys." Antonio said, and I snorted.

"Yeah no kidding amigo." I said, and he shook his head. "Get your own line, that's mine." He said.

"We know Kevin's routine." I said, and Jayden nodded. "And he knew we'd be looking, and come looking."

Jayden finished.

"Come on guys. Time to take these guys out for good." Antonio said, and I nodded. "I agree."

I said, and my eyes flashed silver, and there was an aura around me now. "It is cool that you have an aura."

Antonio said, and I looked at him. "I'm the Last Defender." I said and he looks at me. "Which means what?" He asks.

"I'll explain later." I said, turning to the Nighlok again. "Later, Rangers." I heard Octoroo say.

"Time to sneak through a Gap." The cowardly Nighlok said, and did as he said he would, and disappeared.

"He's worthless and weak. But I'm not afraid of you! Shall we do this?"

The other Nighlok said, and I looked at him. "But you should be." I said, as I held my staff securely. "Jayden, watch out for his slime." Kevin said.

"Don't worry." Jayden said, and looked at me. "You good?" He asked, and I felt a flash of pain, before letting more in.

"Never better."

I said, and my staff was now covered in shadowy flames, which responded to both my aura, and Jayden's.

"Sanzu..." The Nighlok said.

"Here it comes." Kevin said, holding his spin sword up. "Blazing Shadows Strike!"

Jayden and I shouted together, and our shadows and flames, blasted him away hard. "Now!"

Jayden said, and Emily, Mike, and Mia charged, each slashing the Nighlok, as I nodded. "Nice one Jayden."

I said, and he nodded. "Go ahead guys. Put him on spin cycle." I said, and Jayden smirked widely, from under his helmet.

"Spin Sword!" Kevin shouted.

"Barracuda Blade!" Antonio said.

"Dragon Splash!" Kevin said.

"Barracuda Bite!" Antonio shouted.

The Nighlok flew down headfirst into the well, and I chuckled. "Yeah, we all squashed that Ant." Antonio said.

"Ant?" I asked.

"It's big slime time!" The Nighlok shouted at us, as he grew out of the well. "Megamode Power!"

We all shouted.

"Octozord!" Antonio shouted.

We all dropped into our cockpits quickly, while Antonio leaped into the Octozord cockpit.

"Zords combine!" We said, and the Samurai Megazord was formed. "I'll stay. I don't think that the Wolf, will be much use on it's own." I said.

"Antonio, join us." Kevin said.

"With pleasure." Antonio said, and the Octozord broke apart, and combined.

"Samurai Artillery!"

Antonio said and I smiled at the sight.

"This is never getting old."

I said, as he nodded at me, as he dropped quickly, into the cockpit neatly.

"Ulta Spear Megazord, Armed for battle." We all said, and we charged at the huge Nighlok.

"Get a grip! Not!"

Antberry said, and I looked at him, and suddenly the Octozord was stuck in his grasp.

"Your combination is kaput!"

Antberry said, laughing evilly, as he held Antonio in his grasp. "Hey, hands off my Octozord!" Antonio shouted.

"Octo Ink Cloud!" Antonio shouted, and the Octozord sprayed ink at every inch of the Nighlok it could reach.

"Hey! Cut that out! Woah!"

Antberry said. "Let's try this again, and hopefully for the last time. Now, Samurai Artillery."

He said, and I nodded.

"All together now!"

Antonio said. "Ice breath!" We all shouted, and the Nighlok was now frozen solid.

"Electric Spear! Samurai Strike!" We all shouted, cutting down at him.

"Samurai Rangers, Victory is Ours." Jayden said, and I smiled at him, as we all walked out of the Megazord.

"Stealing toys from kids? That's low, even for a Nighlok." Mike said. "You're right about that."

I said, grabbing a toy staff out of the pile. "Hey!" I said, my voice full of the natural surprise and looked at it more closely. "What?" Mike asked.

"This is... this is mine." I said.

"It's best that we return these anonymously." Jayden said. "Yeah. No kidding."

I said, still looking at the staff in my hands. "We don't want to draw, any attention to ourselves." Jayden said.

"It'll be fun to play Santa."

Emily said, and I chuckled at her comment. "Ho-Ho-Ho." Mia said, and I laughed. "No kidding."

I said, and I was still holding the toy staff in my hands, and Jayden nodded at me. "What's that?" He asked.

"It's mine."

I said, and he looked at me, and looked more closely at it. "I remember when you carved your initials into it. I wasn't used to seeing you laughing."

He said. "I was a weird kid."

I said, and he looked at me. "We all were as kids. Now come on. Don't you wanna play Santa?"

He asked, and I punched him in the shoulder, before grabbing a bunch of toys, and following him out the door.

"Wait up!" I called, running as I was lugging a whole bunch of toys, and he laughed at me.

"Do you want a big red sack as well?"

He asked, and I punched him hard in the arms, and he took some of the toys from me, as we ran off.

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