Well, If You're Going to Act Like a Child...

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On January 1, 1965, The Who started their first tour. It would last basically the entire year, and they would play around 200 shows. Keith had insisted I go with him, which I did very happily. The first few months went smoothly. In April, The Who worked more on their upcoming album, to be be released later this year. However, later in '65, Roger was fired for a short time.

Keith had started using drugs. He thought he was hiding it well from me, but I had found little plastic baggies in his suitcase. Keith was still drinking, just not in access. 

After one show, Keith had apparently tried to give Pete and John some of these drugs, and Roger found out and proceeded to beat up on Keith. Roger was fired for a short time, but came back under prohibition. When I asked Keith about the drugs, he admitted he started doing them, but he wasn't using a lot.

Keith and I had a pretty steady relationship all throughout 1965. When I found out about the drugs, I didn't talk to him for a few days, but that was about it. Keith began to destroy hotel rooms, and after that one incident in '64, he especially loved destroying bathrooms. While I usually helped him, Pete often assisted with explosives.

Almost as soon as tour ended, it started up again in 1966 in support of The Who's first album, My Generation. It included over 200 shows. In early February, the band played in Liverpool. There was a party that the band had been invited to, but I decided to stay at the hotel, maybe get a head start on that bathroom. As the band and I parted ways, I looked to John and nodded. He and I had sort of an unwritten agreement that he would look after Keith and make sure he didn't do anything stupid at parties.

I got a cab back to the hotel, then I decided to just go to sleep instead of messing around with anything. It was more fun with Keith and Pete. However, when I wake up, its around 4:30 in the morning. I hear the bathroom door slam, then a very loud explosion from inside. Louder than any cherry bomb could have caused. I jolt upwards, the sheets sliding down, and I see Keith outside the bathroom door, his hands over his ears.

"What the hell was that?!" I shout, getting up. My ears are ringing slightly.

Keith saw me and grinned. "Heyyy baby, how are ya?" He slurred his words; he was drunk.

"Keith, what happened?"

"Lets go and see!" Keith opened the door, and porcelain was everywhere. I mean, the entire toilet was gone, the tiles on the floor were stained, some missing, there was water all over the place, I mean, the place was a disaster!

Keith started laughing. "Oh yeah! Lets go take care of Pete's bathroom now!" Keith tried to leave but I grabbed him by the shirt. His eyes were puffy and huge, and he was sweating bullets. He was definitely on something, as well as being drunk.

"You're not going anywhere, Mister. You're going to lie down and sleep." I led Keith to the bed.

"But I don't wanna!" He exclaimed like a little kid.

"No, no buts, just lie down and sleep."

"I'm not tired."

"Doesn't matter, just get in bed."

Keith gave me a defeated look before he started singing several of The Who's songs...on top of each other. If you think sober Keith is a bad singer, drunk Keith is much worse.

I quickly slapped his cheek to get him to stop. He looked at me like I had just stabbed him with a knife. And then he playfully slapped me back. I rolled my eyes. If he was going to be like this, fine, let him.

I grabbed my suitcase and flew lut the door before Keith knew what happened. I was mad as hell, first at John for letting him get this way. Next at Keith for having no self-control, and finally at myself for trusting either of them.

I spent the night with Roger, as we also had an unspoken agreement that when Keith gets too insane that I can crash with him. The only time I ever needed to was when Keith didnt come home that one night. I'm sure everything will be better tomorrow.

A/n: Ill update around 11 tonight (:

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