In Which Keefe Rescues Tam becausei'mmeantoTambutheyhe'sokay

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"Tinker's figured out where Tam is."  Mr. Forkle said, barely keeping the peace as everyone leaned in and began demanding questions.  "His current location is in a well... In a way."


"You're sure about this?"  Linh asked for what might've been the billionth time.  She stood just a few feet away from Keefe as he prepared himself to levitate downwards.  In her hands she carried a white folded blanket with gremlins all over it that Keefe could only guess was from Elwin - who was currently stood next to him, practically covered from head to toe in medical supplies.

"I'll get him."  Keefe promised.  It sounded more convincing than he felt, but at least Linh's shoulders seemed to relax a little bit.

"Just be careful," Sophie mumbled.  She stood next to the girl with her hand on Linh's lower back for support.

Keefe tapped the top of his helmet.  "We will be."

"We shouldn't be taking so much time," Elwin warned.  He peered down into the way-too-long drop.  "He's been in there for over a whole day now, and I'm betting he could use some water."

He didn't say "and immediate medical care," but everyone heard the unspoken words and they loomed in the air for a good few seconds before Mr. Forkle announced that they should depart.

"I'll go first."  Elwin carefully levitated a few inches off the ground before moving to hover over the hole and beginning his gentle descent downwards.

The Empath waited until he was a little bit farther downwards before giving his friends a final salute and doing the same.  "Don't worry.  We got this."

Soon, the inside of the well was completely dark save for Keefe and Elwin's flashlights.  The walls that almost felt like a prison went from a nice crystal to rough stone and quickly thereafter Keefe began to wonder how much longer they had to go until they'd reached the bottom where they could get to Tam.

The Neverseen really didn't have anytime for games apparently.  And they certainly didn't want Tam escaping either - or probably having any chance of being found at all.  They'd not only taken him down there, but they'd also somehow managed to shove him into a tiny tunnel within a small tunnel to the side (at least, that was the guess).  It was a miracle that Tinker had been able to modify an obscurer just enough so that they could see the abandoned well Tam was in which allowed Sophie to teleport to the fields.

"Keefe," Elwin called, "be careful when you come down!  I just reached the end!"


With some ungraceful shakiness, Keefe barely managed to land on both of his feet.  The space they were in had gotten a bit wider from what it was when they'd first entered - wide enough that he and Elwin could stand about three feet apart - but it still wasn't massive and Keefe found himself wondering how they'd treat any serious injuries down there.

Keefe did a full spin before he found the one and only tunnel.  "I'm gonna take a look."

Elwin nodded, setting a few supplies down.  "Be careful."

Keefe gazed into the stone passage, the light from his helmet illuminating the darkness.  Thankfully, it looked as if both he and Tam could fit in there lying down, however the roof was jagged.  He'd need something to act as a barrier between it and the Shade.

Just as the thought entered his mind, so did a voice.

'You find him yet?'

'Calm down, Foster.'  Keefe thought.  'But no, not quite.  We need something between him and this jagged roof.'

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