Christmas Lights

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This was a request, but I can't remember by who!! They are in the comment section of the previous chapter however!
Sorry it's so messy

In short, Keefe Sencen was royally fucked.

"Ah - dammit." He mumbled as his arms and hands entwined themselves with the chords, which only seemed to make his situation worse.

Keefe looked from his wrists, to his arms, to his legs, and finally to his stomach where he was entangled in a binding of Christmas lights.

How one manages to get tangled in Christmas lights? He'll never know the answer.

How one gets out of tangled Christmas lights on the other hand... yeah, he'd like to know that right about now.

All he'd wanted to do was to put lights on the tree to surprise Sophie - you know, make the homesick girl a little bit happier! Put that useful human knowledge he learned to good use! Not that getting Foster and Dizznee to buy him cookies was a bad use of his newfound capabilities.

With another sigh, Keefe looked up at the ceiling. Could this day get any worse?

"Why are you wrapped in lights?"

The Empath's head whipped back downwards only to be met with a pulled muscle and a smirking handsome boy.

"Dude," Tam said, making his way across the main room to where Keefe stood in stubborn silence, "did your brain cells finally burst?"

"Very funny."  Keefe shot back.  He decided then would be a good time to get back to untangling himself, hoping the Shade would get the message that he wasn't needed nor wanted nor useful.

"Seriously, what happened?"

Keefe continued to ignore him and focus on pulling on the twine.

"Here - you're-" Tam's hands gently lied themselves on Keefe's- "you're making it worse. Quit moving so much."

Keefe's cheeks heated up as he forced himself to stay still and his eyes watched Tam's slender fingers like a hawk as they carefully brought a part of the cord over the other, delicately taking freeing Keefe of his binds.

He shifted, absentmindedly bringing himself closer to Keefe as his concentration took over and the Empath tried not to notice the way his hair smelled of strawberries from his apparently recent shower.  His hair was still wet.

Clearing his throat, Keefe began to alter his weight from foot to foot nervously.  Since when did the Shade make him so... fluttery?

Tam took notice, looking up in question.  "You good?"

Keefe swallowed.  "Yeah - yeah I'm good."

"You sure?"  Tam's soft hand brought itself up to his forehead.  "You're a little hot."

He doesn't mean it like that. He doesn't mean it like that. He doesn't mean it like that.

"Why do you care, Bangs Boy?"

Tam rolled his eyes and continued what he'd been doing before.  "Because aren't you planning to surprise Sophie later?  Wouldn't want an Inflictor all sad on us, now would we?"

"What, you worried Foster's gonna unleash some epic tears?"

"No, I'm worried you are, Empath."

Keefe scoffed, focusing on the boys annoyance rather than his humor and mild joy.  No point in getting his hopes up.  "Oh please.  Careful with those insults there, bud.  One wrong move and I might figure out what this new ability is and test it on you."

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