Spin the Bottle >:)

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This was a request/idea!!
Also so sorry - I'm terrible at writing kiss scenes - you've been warned!

It wasn't abnormal for Sophie to appear as though she'd been handed a lovely gift by Satan himself and had therefore converted to the dark side whenever she got the idea of forcing everyone to play her weird human games, but... this was a new kind of devilish.

Keefe was pretty sure even Tam - who was notorious for working with literal darkness - was scared as the girl set a bottle down in the middle of the circle she'd previously instructed everyone to sit in.

"So... spin the bottle," Keefe started.  "You spin it and then what?"

If it was possible, her smirk stretched.  "Well, you spin it, like this-" she reached for the glass, giving it a good twist to force it to spin- "and whoever it lands on, you kiss."

Luckily for her, it landed on Linh.

Unluckily for Linh, she seemed to be getting pinker by the second.

"It's okay," Sophie smiled, sitting back.  "That didn't count - that was just to show you all what I meant."

"I don't think we really needed a demonstration."  Tam mumbled.

Keefe nudged him to feel his emotions.  "Bangs Boy? Nervous?"

Tam rolled his eyes and tugged his bangs over his eyes silently, making Keefe snicker.

"So who wants to start?"  Sophie questioned.

"I will!"  Biana said with a smile.  "But I'm not kissing my brother if it lands on him, because that's just - ew."

"Uh, yeah, same here."  Fitz said.

"Duh," Sophie said, watching Biana reach into the middle of the circle to spin the bottle.  "If that happens just spin again. And if it lands on you, kiss the person to your left - but if that happens, you have to kiss for a minimal of five seconds."

"Why?"  Dex asked.

Biana spun the bottle.

"Because I say so." Sophie smiled.  What a demon...

They all watched in anticipation as the bottle spun again and again and again until, finally, it landed on Sophie.

Biana's cheeks tinted a small as she walked on her knees to the opposite side of the circle where Sophie was sat.

The kiss was nothing more than a quick peck and then the two girls were separated and were sitting back as though nothing had happened.

"That wasn't too bad," Biana said.  "Who's next."

"It could either be me, or the person next to you." Sophie said.  "But since I'm mean and I just got kissed, I'm gonna make it you, Keefe."

Keefe sighed.  "Alright, but I'm a fantastic kisser - don't blame me if you fall in love."

"Yeah, good luck with that."  He heard Tam say from behind him as he took a hold of the bottle and twisted it.

He held his breath as the glass spiraled repeatedly.

"Could you have spun it any faster?"  Fitz asked sarcastically.

Keefe shook his head as the bottle slowly came to a stop... pointing right at him.

"Uh..." He heard Tam say slowly as his brain pieced together the information Sophie had given them just a few moments prior.

'If it lands on you, kiss the person to your left - but if that happens, you have to kiss for a minimal of five seconds.'

Despite himself, Keefe felt his heart begin to pound.  And when he looked at Tam, it seemed that the boy was just as flustered given his pale cheeks tinted with a pretty pink color.

Keefe bit his lip, looking up at Sophie for a change of the rules only to find her, again, grinning like the spawn of the devil.

The Empath looked back towards Tam to find him nervously gripping the flowered carpet of Sophie's bedroom.  It was kinda cute.

"Alright, Tammy Boy," Keefe said, "let's do this."

"We'll count for you."  Sophie offered.

"Gee thanks."  Keefe said, turning towards the Shade.  He'd been hoping to count quickly in his head rather than having his friends do that stupid '1.... 2...... 3......' thing.  "Ready, dude?"

Tam swallowed and nodded, bravely lifting his head.

"You two are drama queens," Biana mumbled.  "Just do it."

Keefe shot her a glare, as his hand moved towards the back of the skittish boy's neck to ensure that he couldn't flinch away.  Not that he had a death grip - if Tam got too uncomfortable all he had to do was pull away.

His other hand caressed his cheek as he leaned in and locked lips with the boy he never imagined he'd be doing this with - even as Sophie introduced the stupid game.

"One!" Their friends called out.

Not that it was an extremely graceful kiss, but to his surprise, Tam's chapped lips were softer than he thought they'd be.  More gentle too.  He hoped his were the same given the little bit of grateful surprise he felt from Tam.


Keefe felt he other's slender fingers grip his knees, both of their emotions becoming more relaxed.


And he might've been imagining it, but he was pretty sure Tam was smiling into the kiss.


The hand holding Tam's neck headed for his other cheek before their friend's reached he number five and the two pulled away from one another.

Keefe cleared his throat as he reopened his eyes and watched Tam put a hand over his lips.

He needed to say something - quick.

"You in love with me yet?"  He smirked.  Not at all what he was going for, nor what he should've asked, but it was the first thing that came to mind.

"You tell me," Tam replied, squinting at him mockingly.  But there was something... lacking to his sass.

"I mean, I won't say no if you ask me out later."  Keefe replied casually as he grabbed the bottle and slid it over to Tam.

Tam's already flushed cheeks turned a darker shade as he tried to laugh it off.

Everyone in the group was silent as they pretended not to listen to the two.

"But since you're way too shy," Keefe sighed, turning to his left to make eye contact with Tam, "I'll do it for you."  He cleared his throat as he both deepened and softened his voice to match the other's.  "Keefe, would you like to go out with me?"  For the next bit, Keefe switched his voice back to his as he grinned.  "Of course, Bangs Boy.  But don't expect that nickname to go away."

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