Found a way

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We entered Lavid and I ran across the street to the Magic Shop. "Come on guys!" I yelled as I made Junsu and Daeho follow me. They nodded and followed quickly along. I opened the door to the magic shop as I rushed quickly inside. A tall man with dimples was at the counter. "Excuse me.. uhm." I spoke quickly. I tried getting the words out but I didn't know how to get the words out. Meanwhile Junsu and Daeho came up from behind me. "Our friend is stuck in paralyzed sleep and we need help." Daeho said pushing me to the side. The man looked at us confusingly. "And how did that happen?" He asked with a confused look. "He passed through without believing and we didn't know and we didn't listen to our friend." Daeho admitted. I gave a sigh. "Oh..I'm very sorry about that.." The man apologized. "I'm sorry but I don't know how to help you." "We could wish right? Wish for him back?" Junsu asked giving a hopeful smile. "I'm afraid it doesn't work like that." The man said giving a frown. "I know someone who can help though!" I younger man said as he came out from the hall. "Jungkook..What?" The man said looking to the guy who's name was Jungkook. Jungkook gave a bunny smile and walked up to the counter. "4 shops down, there is a shop called Myail Wish." Jungkook explained. We all gave a nod cause we were desperate at this point. "She can fix and help your friend." Jungkook explained. "How do you-" "Namjoon, no questions.." Jungkook said giving a finger at Namjoon. "I swear young people know about the most weirdest things.." Namjoon said walking away from the counter. I watched him but quickly looked back to Jungkook. Jungkook gave a mischievous smile. "I just like getting out a lot." Jungkook laughed. I gave a small smile before making it go away. "So..4 shops down... Myail Wish." Daeho repeated. Jungkook nodded. "Good luck, By the way, when you get there Say Jungkook sent you." Jungkook said giving a smile. Junsu nodded her head and so did I. "Ok. Thank you." Daeho said giving a smile. "Wait.." Jungkook said looking a Daeho. "Are you...popular in anyway?" Jungkook asked Daeho while squinting. Daeho looked back and forth between us and Jungkook. "Yes.. I'm the most popular-" "I knew it!" Jungkook cheered. "Anyway, I'll let you guys go now." Jungkook said giving a little laugh. "Bye!" Jungkook waved with a little smile. We all waved back and made our way out of the shop. We started to walk down the sidewalk while looking for the 4th shop. "Here it is." I said looking up to the shop. We all looked to each other with hope. Hopefully it wasn't too late to get our friend back. Daeho walked in first and we all followed in. The place smelled of scented candles and fire. A girl's eyes glanced to us from the side. "What brings you here? Buying some...Aromatherapy? Candles?" She asked with a glare. "No, uhm. Jungkook sent us." I said giving a look. "And..?" The girl said giving a stare. "Our friend didn't believe in Magic and didn't pass through, so we need help.." Junsu explained. "Oh that's a shame. Too bad I can't help with that right now." The girl laughed. "Dude, this is serious so get off your ass and help us!" I said crossing my arms. "You just met me, and your already leaving off a bad impression..good job." The girl smirked. "Can you just-" "I cant help you in anyway. He's probably already dead." The girl sighed. "It's been 20 minutes, I'm pretty sure he isn't gone yet." I remarked. "Oh, looks like you know a lot." The girl retorted. "If you know so much how about you figure it out for yourself." The girl said getting up. "Hey, look, we are seriously trying to help our friend right now..Jungkook let us here because he knows you can help." Daeho explained. The girl turned back around and gave Daeho a look. "Fine," The girl sighed. "I know how to help you, but your gonna also have to help in the process." She explained. "Could we get your name? Just Incase.." Junsu asked. "Just Incase...what?" The girl asked. "Incase we need you again some day." Junsu explained. The girl stood quiet. "It's Yeobin" Yeobin said with a tiny smile. "Nice to meet you Yeobin." Junsu said giving a smile. "Nice to meet you!" Daeho said giving a smile. Meanwhile I stayed quiet. Yeobin gave Junsu and Daeho a small smile before it quickly went away. "Ok I'll tell you how to get him out of there." Yeobin said giving a little smile. "What is 'there' exactly called?" Daeho asked giving a curious look. Yeobin looked to Daeho. "Well, it's called Majigoshi. Which is the place where..your friend went.." Yeobin said as she walked towards a TV and a circle on the ground. Yeobin looked to us and gave a look. "You can come over here by the way.." Yeobin sighed. "Oh sorry!" Junsu said as she and Daeho went towards Yeobin as I followed afterwards.

Magic Shop | Completed AUWhere stories live. Discover now