- kim namjoon -

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.: CAR RIDE :.

namjoon stared out the window as trees and buildings flashed past, his hand grasping someone's as he ran his thumb over their knuckles gently. he hummed to his music softly, his movements on their hand turning into a tapping that went to the beat of the music.

the engine of the van he, his friends, and his girlfriend were in revved in the background, just about making it through to his hearing. deciding that it was interrupting his rhythm, he tuned it out, focusing on the beats that flowed out from his earbuds.

he heard a chuckle from beside him and he tore his gaze away from the view, a giant smile forming on his face when he saw y/n grinning at him with amusement. he plucked an earbud out, letting go of her hand and instead snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her against his side.

"hello," he smirked, "how can i help you?"

"you can help me by giving me a kiss," she answered, puckering her lips with a small giggle.

he let out a soft laugh and complied, leaning down to here and pressing a slow and long kiss onto her lips. she hummed in appreciation, scooting as close as she could get to him and sliding her hands around his abdomen.

"ew gross.. get a room," jungkook scrunched his nose up and called from the seat behind them, causing them to disconnect from each other with a breathless chuckle.

she shifted and snuggled against him, taking the earbud he had pulled out from before and hooking it on before closing her eyes and resting against her boyfriend comfortably.

"i love you," he murmured, placing a quick kiss on her temple.

"i love you too."


namjoon sat with y/n curled up between his legs, her back leaning against his chest as he had his arms wrapped around her, holding up a book they were reading together during the laze of a sunday afternoon. he played with her hair absentmindedly, his eyes skimming over the page as he did so.

however, while he was so invested in the story, his girlfriend lulled her head to the side, eyeing the tv remote a few meters away on the glass coffee table. the book was boring her slightly, and she couldn't be bothered to keep reading with him. but since she didn't want to disturb namjoon, she settled with closing her eyes and allowing herself to fall asleep.

and once he had noticed that her eyes weren't on the page, he paused his actions, peering at her peaceful face as a serene smile spread across his lips. he bookmarked the page - with an actual bookmark because he couldn't bear the thought of creasing the paper- and set it aside, sliding himself down to lie on the couch while pulling her up so that she was level with him and not being smothered by his chest, as much as she would most likely love that. he rested his arm over her waist, examining her expression with loving eyes.

she stirred slightly after awhile, peeking an eye awake. she froze once she noticed his gaze on her, a light red tint blossoming her cheeks as she screwed her face up and hid herself in the crook of his neck.

he chuckled and pulled her closer, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head, "i love you, y/n, even when you seem to not realise that you're beautiful and that everyone should admire you more."


her eyes skimmed the words of the last chapter of the book, curiosity eating her alive as she tried her best not to immediately flip to the very end of the book.

it was a thing where every few weeks, she and namjoon would pick out books for each other to read and exchange at the start, returning the book to the other at the end once they have finished. and it seemed like every time he picked a book for her, he would always scribble down a cute little sticky note that would compliment her or ask a simple question like 'how is your day?'. it always twisted her heart in the right way, and the love she was secretly growing for her closest friend would bloom slightly more with each note.

she was down to her last few words, and she read them quickly, smiling once she finished and instantly turned the final page to read the sticky note.

once she caught sight of the pastel pink note, she gasped as a few of the words stood out to her. even with those, it was incredibly obvious what the question was for her this week. her eyes widened and she ripped the note off, reading it over and over again until she was sure that she wasn't dreaming before squealing with excitement. she shot up and rushed to her phone, dialling his number straight away.

he answered after a few rings, his deep voice light and cheerful, *hello-*

"yes, kim namjoon. i will go out with you," she said, unable to stop the large smile on her lips.

she could hear the grin spreading across his face as he chuckled and sighed with relief, "thank god, i thought you were going to say no. so, uh, coffee? tomorrow afternoon?"

"sure," she beamed.


y/n stared out the window from her seat on the couch in the dark living room, watching the moon slowly but surely make its way to the middle of the sky and cross it. it was past midnight, but namjoon wasn't home yet. she needed him home. she couldn't sleep without him. she curled up on the couch, pulling the blanket around her tightly and hugging the koya pillow he had given her as a present for her birthday a few years ago closely.

she glanced to her phone and turned it on, the screen illuminating the space around her. no message.

she sighed. it was like that sometimes. namjoon loved his career, he loved his job and he loved making and producing music for army. and that meant that sometimes, he would forget to look at the time. it wasn't too big of a deal, she just had to stay up a little later than normal. she understood, and didn't mind. but today had been stressful with her work and university assignments, so she just wanted to cuddle with him and be able to have a good sleep. 

she stayed in that spot for another few minutes, maybe even hours. 

and eventually, the lock to the apartment door wiggled to unlock and the door opened, revealing a tired namjoon. he turned the lights on and stared at her in surprise. he thought she had been able to sleep since the lights were off, but she was still there, waiting. he suddenly felt guilty and approached her, setting his bag down and sitting next to her. she didn't turn to look at him, but continued to observe the night sky.

he rested a hand on her back over the blanket, running his thumb over the fabric softly, "baby, are you here?" it took her awhile, but then she hummed and nodded. he shifted closer to her, "i'm sorry i made you wait so long. sleep?"

she nodded again and he picked her up carefully with his hands supporting the bottom of her thighs, carrying her to their shared bedroom as she leaned against him and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. he placed her on the mattress and she moved underneath the duvet, shifting until she was comfortable while he tugged his shirt off and changed into comfortable sweatpants. 

he crawled in next to her, relaxing and pulling her close to his chest. he kissed the top of her forehead, "good night, my baby. i love you."

her answer was soft and sweet, "i love you too, joonie."


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