- min yoongi -

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yoongi stared at his computer, squinting ever so often to try and read the words and settings on the bright screen without disturbing the sleeping figure in front of him.

he was currently in his studio, playing around with the sections of beats and melody in the program to try and piece it together for the next song he and his groupmates would be creating. normally, he moved around a lot, whether it be rolling his chair backwards and forwards or bouncing his leg, he would always be moving to try and get an idea; but he couldn't at this moment as there was a girl curled up on his lap, her nose buried in the crook of his neck and her arms draped around his shoulders.

y/n had walked in earlier, complaining on how he always worked and didn't take care of himself as she cleaned up his desk and floor a little.

"why aren't you sleeping, jagi? it's 11pm," he had asked, turning to meet her eyes. she then blushed and shrugged, playing with the hem of her shirt while avoiding his gaze and muttering out something inaudible, causing him to tease her,"what was that?"

"i said i can't sleep," she had admitted, pouting cutely, "stressful day, need you with me."

so with that, he opened his arms wide and allowed her to take purchase on him with her clinging to his body, softly humming something to her while he returned to his music to try and get her to sleep.

within a few minutes, she had fallen asleep while hugging him, her steady breathing grazing his neck as she rested her head there comfortably and snuggled closer to him. despite his leg going slightly numb, he couldn't help but smile and kiss her forehead, murmuring, "i love you, y/n."

his discomfort was a small price to pay for her health.

.: SHUSH :.

yoongi gazed at the sleeping figure in his arms fondly, running a hand through his girlfriend's hair languidly as he felt the gentle rise and fall of her back against his chest while she breathed. y/n had a tiring day of exams after exams. so as soon as she got to the dorms, she found him on the couch and curled up by him, falling asleep right away.

he knew how tired she was; he had watched her study endlessly for her tests, and it made him worried. she didn't seem to be eating at right times or sleeping regularly. because of this, he made her promise that once her exams were over, she would start taking care of herself again. hence, him currently being wrapped around her, protecting her from anything that might disturb her sleep.

eventually, he rested his head on the pillow as well, snuggling close to her as he prepared to slip into a nap with her. however, nobody else knew that she was home. so when jungkook sauntered into the room loudly, his head snapped up and he shushed him fiercely.

"shush! you'll wake y/n," he growled, scowling at the younger. jungkook glanced at him with surprise but noticed y/n peacefully resting beside him. he flinched under his hyung's glare and nodded in apology, retreating to his room and warning the others about being quiet when entering the dorms.

yoongi relaxed and switched his attention back to her, a small smile appearing on his lips as he cuddled comfortably with her.


"yoongiiiiiii~" y/n whined, holding her boyfriend by his arm and tugging him away from his computer, "let's go to sleeppppp~"

it was currently close to midnight, and after witnessing him working for the whole day without any breaks apart from going to the bathroom or having something to eat, she was trying to drag him to bed for some rest.

"i don't need to sleep yet, i'm not tired. i'll be fine, go to bed first," he told her.

"but baby," she turned him around to face her and plastered on her most persuasive pout, "i'll be so lonely without you, come cuddle with me so i can feel whole again."

his eyes widened slightly and he stared at her, his cheeks turning a soft pink, "o-oh," he almost said yes, but then he paused and hesitated, "wait. are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?"

"is it working?"

he sighed and chuckled, turning off his computer and standing up, "kinda, yea."

"yay, then let's go sleep."

"and cuddles? you mentioned cuddles," he tilted his head.

"yes, and cuddles," she giggled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, which he responded to quickly and kissed her back for a second before pulling away as she led him away from his work, "now let's go, my little kitten."


yoongi's fingers flew over the keys of the grand piano placed in the living room of his shared house with his girlfriend, his eyes closed as he focused on the melody. y/n was in the dining room, and if it wasn't for the fact that they had an open common room, the music he was playing wouldn't be as audible as it was now. 

she enjoyed the music as she set the cake she was baking in the oven, closing the oven door and setting the timer. she pulled the oven mitts off her hands, beginning to clean off the mess she had made before before untying her apron. 

she walked over to yoongi, draping her arms over his shoulders gently and observing him play. as soon as he felt her body behind him, his fingers landed on a wrong key and rang out against the rest of it. he smiled sheepishly as she laughed, gesturing for him to scoot over so she could play a quick song with him.

[dlwlrma - IU]

once they played the last note, he immediately wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder and inhaling softly, "you smell like cake."

"that's because i was just baking one, my dear kitten."

"smells nice. like, you know that fluffy japanese cheesecake you love so much?" she nodded, "yea, you smell like that."

"i smell fluffy?"

"... sure."


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