deeper into the book + author's note

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this chapter is for me to tell you more about the book, how it was plotted and about the characters.

jeon jungkook (8) was the last chapter for the story (duh), but there will be this and an author's note after. so feel free to just like disappear rn.

[any questions about any of the characters? ask and i'll answer.]


so there really isn't anything to say. this book was just chapters filled with sth like fluff and it was just for fun. i just thought of it as a side project like if i didn't feel like writing my other book, i'd write this. half of these are crap and the other half that is like okayish are based off of otp prompts from pinterest. like don't judge, but i like to read them and just cry over my single ass not even being able to hug someone :,) issa sad life

some of these are actually bad and i apologise it was just cuz i just HAD to write sth cuz i needed to post and i just wrote a small crap scene and yea. it's so sad. and this is all bcuz ur gurl can't manage her time :)

so as u can probably guess from the title i'm also fitting the author's note in here cuz if not it'd be like a 200 word paragraph of nothing. so yea.

i just wanna say, i'm not happy with this /book/. just cuz it has very bad scenes in them that i couldn't fix cuz they were THAT bad and i kinda sorta mayhaps rushed through a few of them.

i'm also contemplating on erasing my schedule rn and just like post when i can bcuz i am transitioning to another school :,) and it's end of year, i have to deal with shit like the end of year concert cuz our school is sad and stuf like that and just SO MANY PROJECTS BEING DUE. i'm surprised i'm not dead with how much sleep i've been throwing away. however, i'm trying to be healthy now and tryna slim down so i'm drinking WATER and sleeping at least 8 hours and all that good shit. it's lowkey not working but let's just hope.

nothing is decided yet tho, and i'm even planning to start a book that is separate from the [Hecate Supernatural Academy] series but is still in the realm of the supernatural. BUT i haven't even written the prologue or finished the introduction. that's how much i've been lagging with my work. ESPECIALLY since my brother forced me to watch naruto with him and play video games cuz he be like that and now i just keep watching naruto even tho I"VE WATCHED IT BEFORE and yea. blame my brother and school and my bad time management. most likely the schedule won't change and i'll just try to finish my work earlier and put naruto away [:( {SPOILER ALERT kinda} it was just getting spicy cuz that orochimaru dude put the curse mark on sasuke and they're in the middle of the chunin exams and sasuke is going up next against gaara (who lowkey is a mood cuz he wants to kill EVERYONE) and i just wanna watch the battle]


thanks for reading this book, i hope you guys enjoyed it. i certainly enjoyed writing this even though it sTrEsSeD me out. also, remember to sleep and don't stay up too late. it's really unhealthy.

if you are still reading up to this: you nice, keep going -park jimin.

once again, thank you for reading, take care of yourself, and have a nice day :)



Thank you.

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