Narrators P.O.V
Today was like any other day, apart from it being the day that the bat brothers would always hang out on. They called it the "batbro's day" it happed every year. But Damian didn't think it would happen this year, as he had recently gotten a new sister "Kylie kyle" daughter of "Selina kyle"And because of Kylie his brothers did want to hang around him and only wanted to hang with Kylie. She was nice at first but then she saw the situation and took advantage of it. She never really liked Damian anyway.
The bat brothers didn't like hanging around Damian anymore. They found him annoying, selfish, rude and controlling. But it turns out that he wasn't any of them. He was only a kind, generous, caring and helpful young boy. The complete opposite of what the others thought of him.
If they only took the time to get to know him, they would see the young boy for who he really is, as well as the broken, lost, beaten and abused little boy.
But sadly they were all too self-absorbed to see what was going on behind the scenes...
3rd Person P.O.V
As Damian was getting ready for the day he looked at his calendar to see if he had any plans. And he did! "Batbro day!" He did with a very happy voice. He then started to get ready as quickly as he could. Once done he adventured off down the stairs and to the kitchen to see his brothers eating. "Morning!" Damian said while sitting down next to dick. "Morning! Are you ready?" Dick says while looking over in Damian direction. "Yip what about-" Damian started to say but was cut off. "I wasn't talking to you. And can you move that's Kylie's seat." Dick says in a harsh voice while Kylie happily walks over dick.Damian slowly moved over to the next seat so Kylie could sit next to dick. As Kyle was sitting down she whispered into Damian's ear. "Did you really think they would want to sit with you?!? Ha your such a joke!" She said with the most shit eating grin anyone could have.
Damian didn't reply as he didn't feel like starting a losing battle. So he sat in silence while eating a burnt piece of toast that Kylie oh so kindly gave him.Once everyone was done eating Tim stood up and said. "Who's ready for batbro day?!?" And everyone but Damian said "hell yeah" Or "let the fun begin!"
As they all walked out of the room and to the front door they stoped and put there shoes on before saying. "Is Damian going to be joining us?" Kylie asked is her im the best little girl in the world voice! "No he has other things to do!" Tim said while giving him a glare. "Yeah he can't come!" Jason continued. "Oh well! We might bring you home something." Dick says not really caring about it.
"Oh ok..." Damian's says before Kylie decides to put her two little cents in. "Did you really think you could come?" She says while raising an eyebrow. This comment kind of pissed him off as he was looking towards this day. "Well actually I didn't really want to come either! This is for the best!" Damian says with little fears falling his eyes.
At Damian's little statement you could hear a little laugh coming off the brothers. This caused Damian to run off to his room.
Leaving the others at the door way full on laughing at his behaviour. "What a stick in the mud!" Jason says between laughs. "I know right like what a little brat!" Tim says while leaning on Jason for support.~Time skip to that night. Around 7 PM~~
As Damian was sitting at his desk drawing he heard his brothers talking out side his room. "Omg today was so much fun!" One of them said. Damian couldn't really make out which one was which, so he just listened. "Yeah why didn't we invite her sooner!" Said a overly happy person. "Yeah we should have ditched the other one sooner!" Said a voice a little bit agitated that they didn't think of it sooner. "I agree with you guys! Like Damian is just a little punk that should just go and live with his mother! Because he is obviously not wanted nor cared about around here!" Said a pissed off voice. "But he can't go back with his mother!" Said a sad voice. "And why not??!?" "Because his mother doesn't love him either!" Said the laughing voice. Soon all of them were laughing too.As the voices started to get further and further away Damian decided to see who it was. So he went to the door and slowly opened it to reveal Dick, Jason and Tim. "That's... sad.." Damian says in a quiet voice while wiping a small tear away and closing a door.
He slowly started to walk over to his dresser and picked his razor blade out of his draw before walking over to his bathroom. He quickly closed and locked the door and walked over to the bathtub and sat down completely avoiding the mirror. He quickly whipped off his hoodie and threw it on the ground before making a very deep cut on his arm. Blood came running out and onto the ground. He continued to cut like this for a few more minutes.
"Wha... what's going on... I-i feel dizzy.." is all Damian could say before falling backwards into the bathtub unconscious. Not dead just unconscious.
~The next day~~
As Damian started to wake up he was quickly overwhelmed by the pain of his arm and head. "I must have lost to much blood.." Damian slowly says while sitting up in the bathtub. When he looked down at the floor and the bottom of the bathtub he could see his blood over everything. "D-Did I do that??" Damian says while clenching his arm. "I gotta clean this up!" Damian says before quickly going off to grab his first aid kit to patch up his practically dead arm.After patching him self up he went onto cleaning up his bathroom as it looked like a murder had taken place in there. Sadly it hadn't happened... just yet..
Once Damian was done cleaning he stood back and looked at his work. "Wow that took longer than I thought!" "I'm completely drained! That took a lot out of me!" Damian says while putting a hoodie on and laying down on his bed. "What's the time?" He says while looking over to his bedside table clock. "It's.... 12... pm.. they didn't even come down to see if I was ok?!?" Damian says in a very hurt voice before slowly crying himself to sleep.
Hello everyone!
How's it going? I hope you guy are ok! 😤
Hope you also liked the chapter! So it's late! But I want to thank anushkasharmaf for helping me with this chapter again!! And I want to get credit to @girlonfiyoh14 for the character Kylie kyle. Anyways have a lovely day!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌✌️🤟🤘🤛
Word count: 1201

13 Reasons Why Damian Wayne Is Dead
FanfictionDamian was happy and bright young man. Well that's what everyone thought at least.. But in reality he is a young boy struggling with depression. He was constantly hurt by others around him. Some knew they were doing it, others didn't even realise. T...