Reason 8 - Appearance

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Narrators     P.O.V
Damian was never that tall, he was short for his age probably due to being a test tub baby. His hight was considered perfect when he was in the league, as it was good for stealth and slipping through small caps that most couldn't. But when he came to the Wayne manner that all changed. He wasn't the right hight, he would be called shorty or short stack, mainy anything that had the word short in it. He could easily just use his league training and beat them up so they wouldn't call him that or just use it to get something off the top shelf. But every time he did his father would look at him in discuss and many more emotions.

But the wasn't the only thing bothering him. His weight felt like a curse to him. He would stare at his shirtless body for hours on end. Just thinking about how much weight he must loss. He hated his weigh even tho it was the perfect weight for his hight, it didn't make him look too fat nor too skinny, he looked just right. But just right wasn't good enough for damian. Because damian wanted perfect! Just good enough didn't cut the mustard! So he would stave himself and train nonstop to just make himself look a little better. But it was never good enough for him. No matter how much he trained his decision never changed.

But it doesn't stop there. The scar's the marked his body only haunting him until he is no more. He hated his scars they reminded him of everything he did wrong. Some of them were given to him, my his mother and grandfather and others by the villains at night, most were self inflicted, but quite a few were from his family. Most if them from his sister, Kylie... he would try oh so despicable to get her to stop but every time he did she would twist the story to make it sound like it was her that was getting hurt and not damian. His scars marked his body like a never ending diseases! Each telling there own story. And with each story they told, damian hated himself just a little bit more.

But it didn't stop there! The list could go on! The list was almost never ending! With everyday that went by at least another thing was being added to the list, if it being his hair was to short or too long, or maybe his pants didn't like right on him, sometimes it could be the way he smiled or talked, sometimes even the way he walked or jumped with make him hate himself just a little more, because whatever he did, didn't look right or wasn't perfect... and it was eating him up inside!

3rd Person P.O.V
Damian was quickly running out of things to like about himself. So he decided he would write down everything he liked about himself in one book and in another he would write down the things he didn't like about himself. It wasn't long until the second book was full and he had to go onto another book while on the other hand the first book was still on its first page. He hadn't realised how much he truly hated himself until now. And it truly felt like a slap to the face, with a sting that wouldn't go away. But it wasn't going to stop Damian from trying to improve on himself and make himself better even if it meant completely changing himself.

Damian worked day and night for endless months, days and hours just training to get skinnier while gaining some more muscles. He would only eat if he really had too, but when he did he would only eat the healthiest of foods, that wouldn't make him gain weight but will help his muscles grow as well as his height.

This went on for weeks on end. All you would see is Damian training in the training room until he passed out. Then him back at it again when he wakes up. The only other time you wouldn't see him in the training room was when he was at the dinner table for his weekly meals, not daily, weekly. The only other time he wouldn't be in the training room was when he was taking a shower or having a bathroom break.

And soon enough he was skinner than he had ever been and had more muscles. But in the process he had loss his appetite. He no longer wanted to eat as he never felt hungry. It got to the point where he became so pale and weak that he looked like he was on his death bed. Alfred could no longer stand aside and watch this boy slowly kill himself.

"Master Damian you must eat!" Alfred demanded only to be meet with the same old. "But I'm not hungry Pennyworth. I'll eat later." No matter how much Damian could possibly protest it wasn't going to change the old butlers decision. "Master Damian, not to be rude but you said that everyday for the last 2 an a half weeks! If you keep this up any longer you won't even be able to talk! Because you would be 6 feet under!" Alfred said trying not to yell and scare Damian off. "Pennyworth.. I'm really sorry.. but I'm just not hungry!" Damian not so calmly said. To much of Damian's dislike his  little speech wasn't what Alfred wanted to hear. And how did he know this? Well it's because the olderly butler fell to his knees with tears in his eyes about to cry. "Please.. please Master Damian.. please just eat something... I.. I can't lose you!" "..o-ok.." Damian quietly said. "Thank you! Master Damian!" Alfred said while some tears started to fall. To say the least this shocked Damian! He didn't think anyone cared for him around here... but knowing Alfred did, helped him believe he could actually be loved by his father and brother's maybe even his sister!

But who knew how wrong he could be...

Hello everyone!
I hope you like the chapter! And better you say anything about me saying I would be doing daily updates and not doing them, but let me explain!
So recently I've got a job! Yay! It's fun but take a lot of work! And let's not forget about school! I have to study so I don't fail classes and so I can pass an exam! Little note I failed it anyways even tho I study for hours on end, but it's ok because I got an award out of it! Not to sure how I got it because I didn't do anything to get it but I don't mind. I'll take it anyways 😂😂😂
Anyways I really hope you all have a good day and stay safe!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌✌️🤘🤟🤛
Word count: 1161

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