Narrators P.O.V
It was like any other day. The sky was gray, slight fog, high chance of rain and all around muggy. But one thing stuck out from this somewhat ordinary day was that it was quite... too quiet. Usually you could hear some people talking or arguing maybe even someone walking obnoxiously loud or even Titus barking and whining.
Something wasn't right... and a certain green eyed boy started to get suspicious...3rd Person P.O.V
"Something's not right.." Damian said quickly opening his eyes while laying flat on his single bed. "Someone's up to something.." Damian said while quickly sitting up on his somewhat small bed.Damian took a quick look around his room before noticing a certain something or someone was gone. "Titus?" Damian says still looking around his also somewhat small room full of plants, weapons, art supplies, papers and too many books. It only took a few seconds for things to click. 'He's gone!' Rang throughout his mind as Damian quickly jumped off his bed and started running to his bedroom door.
Just as got to the door he opened it with such a force it went flighting open and quickly closed behind him. Damian kept running and running all over the mannor! He was running so quickly that whenever he came to a turn his hole body slid to the side nearly making him almost fall on his side but he didn't care! All he wanted was to find his loyal companion Titus.
==========LINE BREAK==========
~Down in the dark mysterious batcave~~"THUMP! THUMP!" Rang throughout the batcave. Almost everyone in the batcave could hear it surprisingly. "What is that god awful noise!" Tim hissed while rubbing his temples. "How should I know?" Dick shrugged. "I bet it's the demon brat!" Jason snapped
"THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!" If continued for what felt like hours when only it was for 5 minutes. "ARRRR! SOMEONE GO AND SEE WHAT THAT PEST WANTS!" Jason and Tim snapped at the same time. "*sigh* someone go and see what he wants or something will happen." Bruce said in a deadly calm voice. Which quickly got the attention of Dick, Jason and Tim causing them to all run up stairs to sort out Damian leaving Alfred and Bruce the only ones in the batcave. While Kylie on the other hand was unaccounted for.
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Narrators P.O.V
Just as the 3 boys got to the mannor after runnning up the many stairs the thumping had stopped. Some may say the 3 boys were somewhat pissed off and others would say they were lived! "That fucking rat!" "I'm going to kill that demon brat!" and some other phrases could be heard coming from the 3 boys.~with Damian~~
It didn't take long for Damian to run to Jokers and Harley's hide out as it wasn't too far away. He didn't bother putting on his mask or costume / uniform as Damian called it, as Joker and Harley already knew who he was.
By the time he got there he was completely out of breath and looked exhausted! And the two villains could tell, causing them to rush over to him.3rd Person P.O.V
"Sugar! What's the matter?" Harley blurted out before Damian could even say anything. Just as Damian was going to say something Joker cut him off with his mini interrogation. "Why the sound appearance? Weren't you going to come over later? Did you do something? Is there a body you need help with?" Joker kept asking questions not giving Damian time to talk until Damian quickly shouted. "He's gone! Some one took him!" Damian cried out with tears in his eyes. "Who's gone?" Harley asked somewhat confused. "Titus! Someone took him!" Damian cried out while tears ran down his face.The name Titus quickly got the attention of the two villains as they knew how much he meant to him. If Titus died he would die.
"Ok sunnyboy calm down, do you know who might of taken him?" Joker asked trying to get some information. "No! Wait... maybe.. Kylie kyle. It was kyle!" Damian demanded. "Are you sure sugar?" Harley asked. " positive! She always hated him! She was just itching to get rid of him!" Damian explained with anger all throughout his voice.(Please don't read this part if you find it triggering! ⚠️ WARNING hints of animal abuse!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️ look for ⭕️ to know when ⚠️ its over!)
After some of jokers and Damian's great hacking skills they got into Gotham's mainframe with ease. They watched some of the footage before putting in key words to get specific video evidence.And what they found was to say the lest disturbing... They saw someone must likely Kylie walking a Great Dane that looked to be Titus into a butchers then walking out with a small bag full of money and a Black dog collar was yellow spikes and a black leather lead.
The girl that looked like to be Kylie had splatters of crimson red blood stains all over her clothes and face.
(⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️ triggering part is over!)This video shocked Damian... he was emotionless! He was stiff he didn't dear move a muscle. But joker on the other hand was ready to kill ready to storm into the Wayne manner guns up and weapons out. "Harley find the nukes..." joker cold voice hissed. A quick "wait" could be heard coming from Damian. "I want to deal with her.." Damian said with an emotionless voice and face but the two villains could tell he's hurting. "She has gone too far this time.." Damian said while walking out. "Sugar, Wait!" Harley yelled while grabbing onto Damian's shoulder, all Damian did was give her a hurt look while just standing there. "B-before you do anything dumb make sure it was her.. you know what Bman will do if you do beat her up and it turns out to not be her.." Harley said before pulling Damian into a much needed hug. "I'll wait till you come back.. ill help you when you get back.. I-I'll erase the pain.." Harley said with a sweet yet pitiful smile.
After Harley's sweet words Damian quickly disappeared into the streets of Gotham, trying to making his way back to the mannor the quickest way possible without look suspicious.
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Just as Damian entered through the manners front doors he was quickly greeted by his lest favourite person in the world, Kylie... he felt so much anger rush and flow in side himself he could snap her neck and not even feel bad.
"Damian! I was expecting you!" Kylie said with an unusual grin. "kyle.. where Titus?" He asked calmly like he didn't know anything but the anger continued to flow getting stronger and stronger. "Oh maybe in hell maybe even heaven.. but most likely hell just like we're your going!" She said with a now evil grin. "Stop playing games kyle!" Damian yelled the anger just waiting to burst. "*sigh* since your going to be like that I guess you can have this." Kylie said while throwing Titus black with yellow spikes collar and black leather lead.
Damian's P.O.V
"Stop playing games Kyle!" I yelled the anger inside me just waiting to burst out. "*sigh* since your going to be like that I guess you can have this." Kyle said to me while throwing Titus black with yellow spikes collar and black leather lead...My vision went blurry my head went foggy everything turned red. The last thing I remember is hearing a satisfying crunch and a delightful screaming coming from in front of me.
But after that all I remember is darkness. Something or someone hit me over the back of my head....
To be continued...
Word count: 1289

13 Reasons Why Damian Wayne Is Dead
FanfictionDamian was happy and bright young man. Well that's what everyone thought at least.. But in reality he is a young boy struggling with depression. He was constantly hurt by others around him. Some knew they were doing it, others didn't even realise. T...