Narrators P.O.V
Today was a special day. Not like any other! Today was the day that Damian had a Piano recital. He had been practising for months on end, non stop. He even stoped being Robin as the Piano recital was more important to him at this current time. His father and brothers had promised to be there to watch him tonight. This excited the teen, he was over joyed to say the least. No words could explain how happy he was. It was probably the first time in a very long time that he had felt this way towards anything.3rd Person P.O.V
It was the day of the Piano recital around morning to be exact. Damian had only awoken around 20 minutes ago and he was already practising on the piano. No one knew what time he would get up to practice or what time he would stop practicing and go to bed, it was all a mystery to them. They would wake up to the lovely sound of piano, to get back from patrol only to go to bed hearing the piano.Something Alfred had to fall on drag Damian to bed as he had fallen asleep on the piano. But no one cared enough to tell him to go to bed or eat, they just couldn't be bothered or they just like the sound of the piano, after all it did bring some life to the manner as no one but Damian knew how to play it.
As Damian was peacefully playing piano his brothers and sister decided it would be fun to bully and discourage Damian on the day of his recital. "Wow Damian your really good!" Tim says to Damian as he walks into the room.
Damian stoped playing and looked up and over to Tim. "Thanks!" Damian says with a small smile. "Jk! I was joking! I don't actually think your good!" Tim says while leaning on the piano with a shit eating grin. "Oh... I'm sorry?" Damian says kind of confused why he was even apologising when he did nothing wrong. "Tsk tsk tsk..." Jason says while walking over to Tim. "Little brother... oh little brother..." Jason says while shaking his head at Damian. "W-What?" Damian asked now very confused. "You don't know when to quit do you?" Dick says popping out of nowhere and putting his hands on Damian's shoulders. "Grayson?" Damian says while trying to turn around but dick stoped him and put a lot of pressure on Damian's shoulders.
"Oh dear Damian. Look what you have done! You have put us in a big situation here... what ever will we do with you?" Kylie said while walking out from the shadows. "G-Grayson! Stop your starting to hurt me!" Damian says while finally pushing dicks hands off him and standing up, completely ignoring Kylie's statement.
"What's gotten into all of you?!? Why are you all acting so weird??!" Damian said while backing out of the corner they made for him. "Oh don't worry little D! We only came to give you a little advice for your little show tonight!" Dick says. "It's not a "show" it's a piano recital!" Damian says while putting his hands on his hips. "Call it Whatever you like. Whatever makes you sleep better at night I guess." Kylie says getting sassy.
Narrators P.O.V
Damian's step brothers and sister started to insult Damian about him playing the piano non stop. They keep yelling at him for so long that Damian became completely numb to it. He didn't flinch when they raise their voice or through their hands up in the air. He only stood there taking in all there harsh words, unable to block them out or stand up for himself.After what felt like years of them yelling at him they finally stopped and went off to find Alfred as they had some how got hungry from yelling so much. Damian just went back to playing the piano like nothing had happened, blocking out all outside noises only focusing on the piano and it's rhythm.
3rd Person P.O.V
~Later that day. Haft an hour before the piano recital~~
"Master Damian. Are you ready to leave sir?" Alfred said while softly knocking on Damian's door. "Yes I'm ready. But may I ask you a favour?" Damian said while opening the door to his room. "What would you like me to do for you Master Damian?" Alfred asked nicely. "Could you tie my tie for me? I'm having a little trouble." Damian says before walking in front of Alfred so he could tie it. "Of course!" Alfred says before quickly tieing the tie for him. "You look good Master Damian." Alfred Says once the tie is tied and he could get a good look at Damian's outfit.

13 Reasons Why Damian Wayne Is Dead
FanfictionDamian was happy and bright young man. Well that's what everyone thought at least.. But in reality he is a young boy struggling with depression. He was constantly hurt by others around him. Some knew they were doing it, others didn't even realise. T...