Part 4

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When I get home, i throw my hair into a messy bun and get one of my baggy sweaters. I start packing my stuff into my moms car. I don't have my own so I've had to drive my moms to school and back. "Mom! Come on, we need to move my stuff" I yell. There's no answer. "Mom!" I yell again. There's still no answer so I decide to text her.

"Mom where are you, we need to move my stuff!" I say. "Oh! Right I'll be there in 20 minutes!" She texts back. Great. I'm gonna be the one late one this time. "I don't really have 20 minutes" I text her. "Well too bad! You better not be meeting with a boy!" She says. Well, sorry mom but that's exactly what I'm doing. Although not in the way she means. "Fine. Then meet me there and come get your car because I'm leaving as soon as I get all my stuff" I text her. She doesn't reply.

I finish packing all my stuff and drive to my dorm. I'm a little late since I had to do it all myself. "Well. Look who's late! " cash mocks me but I'm a joking way. "Sorry but I had someone not even care the slightest bit about me and not show up to help or say goodbye" I say angrily. "Can you help me unpack please?" I ask. "Yeah" Cash Says and helps grab boxes. "Thank you" I say.

Half way through, my mom shows up. "Huh. Who the hell is this hope?" Says my mom. "Oh. So now you decide to show up. How thoughtful of you" I say. "I'm just here to get my car back. I'm not helping with this! It's your stuff not mine" she says. Of course. I look at cash. "Just get the stuff out of the car please so she can leave" I say. He nods his head and starts unloading more stuff from the car.

I continue unpacking the boxes while my mom just sits there, staring at me. "He seems like bad news" she says. He kind of does. But he can be really sweet. "You don't even know him" I say. "Why is he even here. Hope Grey I thought you better than to mess around with boys!" She yells. "Actually. We're doing a project together" cash tries to keep calm.

She laughs. "Yeah. Good luck with that hope" she says. "Probably going to get 20 perc-"
"mom!" I cut her off. "Either shut up or leave!" I yell. "You don't even know him and you're being nothing but rude!" I continue to yell. Even though I know that will be the case if cash keeps up the way he has been so far.. but he is the one who suggested he comes over since he's a slow reader. Although.. all guys are the same well, most. We all know what they want.

Cash brings the last box up and she leaves. "What's her problem" he says. "I don't know" I rest my head on my hand and shake my head. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah.. I'm fine. Let's start reading, I can unpack tomorrow" I say.

We finish about half the book and I wrote down notes. Cash, well, he tried but only wrote down the obvious. "I got some" he says. "So did I. Here, let me see yours" I say. I smile. It's cute that he tried. "Good job" I smile at him. "Hey. Um.. i'm sorry for like trashing your date..thing" I say. He laughs quietly. "It's fine, I should have been at the library" he says. He looks at me. "I think I liked this better anyway" he smiles.

"If you want to stay a little longer, I could quickly make some tacos, they're pretty easy to make and I have all the ingredients" I say. He smiles. "Yeah, sure" he says. "Is the TV set up?" He asks. "I'm not sure" I say. "No, it's not, I'll set it up while you make that" he says.

Hope what are you doing. Your mom would be furious! Stop messing around! All you need to do is this project and forget about him! Honestly. I don't even care what my mom thinks anymore.she can't control my life forever and honestly, even when she could, she did a pretty crappy job.

"Cash, it's ready," I say. He comes into the kitchen, practically drooling. "That smells so good" he says. I smile at him.  We get our food and go watch a movie. "Oh wait cash!! Scroll up!" I say. "That's the movie to the book we're reading!" I say. We both smile, I know we're thinking the same thing. "Wanna just watch the movie?" We say at the same time. We laugh. "I guess that's a yes" I say. I grab my notes and start watching the movie.

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