"I'm sorry, she seems nice?!" I give a glare at cash. "Um.. yeah?" He says, confused. "Here's your drinks" she says and stares at me then cash and huffs as she walks away. I give her a death stare and look back at cash. "Yeah. Seems real nice" I say sarcastically. I try to ignore the fact that she's hitting on him and try to enjoy the time I'm spending with cash.
"I'm going to be bathroom" Cash Says and walks away. "Here's your food" Danielle Says and sets mine and only my food on the table. "I'm sorry, where is my boyfriends" I ask. "It's on the wa- wait he's your boyfriend?!" She laughs. "Yeah?" I say confused. "Wow. He's got a bad taste in women doesn't he" she laughs. "I'm sorry but what's your problem" I say, trying not to scream. "Listen hunny. Guys like him don't go for people like.." she looks me up and down. "Things like you" she finishes.
Punch her hope. Do it! You know you want to! She's being a bitch give her what she deserves!
Trust me. I'm really tempted but I don't want to cause a huge scene. "Well, he loves me and I love him so move along" I say. I grab my phone and secretly start recording. "I highly doubt that hun. Look at yourself, and look at me. By the end of tonight, he'll be sleeping with me and not you. So why don't you move alone and leave him for someone who actually has a chance" she says. "Nobody wants to be with.. things like you" she finishes. "May I speak to your manager?" I ask. "No.. sorry hun" she says and walks away. I flag down another waitress. "Could you tell your manager to come speak with me please? My waitress, Danielle I think her name is, is being nothing but rude to me" I say. "Oh um yeah" she says and walks away.
"What seems to be the problem" Says the manager as he walks over. "My waitress, Danielle, she has been being nothing but rude to me" I say. He gives me a look, almost like he doesn't believe me. He signals Danielle to come over. "Were you being rude to this lady right here?" He asks. "No! Not at all" she smirks at me. "Okay well im sorry if she. Mixed your order up mistakes happen" he says. "I'm sorry? She didn't mess my order up she was as just plain rude to me!" I start to raise my voice. "Hun you got no proof so stop tryna get me in trouble for nothing" she says and starts to walk away. "Actually I do have proof" I smile. I show her manager the video.
"I'm back ho-" cash starts to say as he comes back from the bathroom. He slowly takes his seat, watching the scene that I have caused with Danielle and her manager. Everyone is staring and I'm smiling and evil, satisfied smile. "That's not me! I was never rude to her!" Danielle yells. "Danielle I'm sorry but how stupid can you be!" Everyone gasps. "She recorded a video of you being nasty to her!" He continues to yell. "But-" the manager cuts her off. "But what!" He yells. "Get out! Right now" he yells.
She storms out of he bar. "I'm so sorry everyone" he sighs and shakes his head. "I'm sorry" he says to me and walks away. "What.. just happened" Cash Says, shocked. "Don't worry about it" I smile and eat my food. Cashs food is brought out and he does the same.