Part 7

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He holds me in his arms for a little longer. When he lets go, I look up at him and smile. I look at the computer and back down shyly. "We should probably finish the project" I say. "Oh um.. yeah" he says. I feel like I just made this whole situation awkward.  "Do you want some snacks?" I ask cash. "Yeah sure" he smiles. I go to the fridge and grab some of the snacks that I prepared.

"Okay. I think we're done!" I smile at cash. He looks a little sad though. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing" he says. "You sure?" I say. He sighs. "Yeah.." i don't think he's telling the truth but I don't really want to bug him. "Do.. you maybe want to stay a little longer? We could watch a movie or something.. there's still some snacks here" I smile shyly.

He smiles and moves closer to me. He pushes me down so I'm laying on the couch and he's leaning over top of me. His face gets closer to mine and I get nervous. I've never had a boyfriend so I've never kissed anyone.. just before our lips connect, we hear a knock at the door. "Fuck" I hear him whisper. I look at him. "Whoever it is, they can wait" I say and smile at cash. He smiles at me. The person knocks on the door again and I hear yelling. I can't tell what they're saying or who they are but they don't sound happy.

"What if it's your mom?" Cash Says. "I never thought of that.. umm hide somewhere" I say. As soon as he's out of sight, I open the door. "Oh. What are you doing back here" I say. "To make sure you aren't being stupid like you always are" my mom replies. I try to close the door on her but she puts her foot in the door and opens it. "Where is he?!" He yells as she walks in.

"Where is who! Cash? He left when we finished the project, 30 minutes ago!" I lie. She continues looking around the room. "Can you just leave me alone! For once in your life actually treat me well and just leave me the fuck alone!" I yell. "You're the stupidest and most selfish kid I have ever met!" She yells and shoves herself past me and slams the door on her way out. I run to the bathroom, lock the door and cry.

"Hope?" Cash Says through the bathroom door. I don't answer. "Hope, let me in" he says. The lights off so he can probably tell I'm not using the bathroom. I crawl over to the door and unlock it. "Hope.." he says and sits next to me. He pulls me close to him while I continue to cry.

I eventually calm down and cash turns the light on. He looks hurt the second he looks at me. My eyes are red and my eyes and  cheeks are puffy. He hugs me and I shove my head into his chest. "I'm sorry" he whispers into my hair. "I.. it's not your fault" I say. I take my head off his chest and look up at him. "You know, you're still beautiful, even after crying for so long" he smiles. I smile back at him. I feel bad for judging him before I even got to know him.. although obviously, that's all my mom does.. wonder where I got that from.

He brushes the hair out of my face and leans closer to me. Let's hope my mom doesn't come running in. I put my hand on his neck and gently pull him closer to me. I don't want to wait any longer and possibly have this ruined By my mom.. again.

Our lips connect and it's almost like everything just.. stops. Like there are no problems in my life or even anywhere else in the world. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

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